Wednesday, September 9, 2015


True Confessions of an Imperfect Weight Watcher Leader

September 8, 2015

This week's weight:  +2.2
Number of days last week I wore my Fit-bit:  2
Number of weekly allowance points used so far:  All of them

Ok!  There it is.  This month I will start all the weekly blogs with a little confession.  It is not there for you to judge or admire me.  It is for me to set my goals.  The entire month of September, I ask YOU – my W.W family to help hold me accountable. The truth is that when I weigh monthly for my boss she isn’t that concerned with my pluses and minuses as long as I am in a healthy weight range.  Which I am.  [See BMI chart on back of weight record]  So I am officially weighing in as a member each Saturday morning before we open and I will acknowledge that up or down to you. Pure Transparency is my goal for September.  EEK!  Even typing that was scary!
Enough about that.  This week I am stoked to tell you about a new item that you will all receive THIS week at the meeting!    I’m not going to give it all away ~ I want you to come see for yourself! 
Here’s a hint….
Aren’t we more motivated to reach the goals that are meaningful to us?  We’ve talked about this all year.  Right?  Being “healthy & losing weight” are great goals but much too vague.  Wanting to cross your legs, not need a seat belt extender, get off meds, wear shoes with ties.  These are personal & powerful goals.  Those goals are meaningful to you and become YOUR goals.  They may or may not have anything to do with the scale; and because of that you may actually do what it takes to reach them!  Wouldn’t that be amazing!  Actually reaching our goals this month!  Truly doing what we decided we wanted to do! 
We’ve all heard that “this is not a diet but a lifestyle.”  BUT what if we REALLY believed that?  Shut the Front Door!  Live life taking care of ourselves!  Embrace realistic expectations!  Actually find ways celebrate beyond simply eating well and exercising!  WOW!  So if you can’t tell we are taking back power from the scale!  Starting THIS week!
Before you attend your meeting I ask you to think of your journey as a story.  There may be ups & downs. Adventure, drama, sadness and extreme joy as we are living life.  Just like the stories we watch on t.v. or read in novels.  What happens in one chapter might be completely different in the next!  Weight Watchers still wants you to lose weight and get healthy but we are relinquishing control and letting you be the author of your own journey!  Intrigued? 
Stop & Think about what is it that you really want?  Start realizing all the amazing things that you are doing on a daily or weekly basis (just like you’ve posted on Facebook all week!) Do this instead of allowing the number on the scale to decide if you have had a “good” or “bad” week.  I realize I just stated at the top of this blog that I am posting my gain or loss, but that is because that IS important to ME this month.  Now ask yourself what is it that you want this month?  What is your WHY?  What is it that is keeping you at Weight Watchers right now and how will YOU measure success and healthy living? Will it include the scale?  That’s up to you!  So Set Your Course& I welcome you to a new way to plan and measure your progress!  Yes, everyone’s success story is going to be a little different an that is ok.  In fact, that is exactly why this is such an important and unique way to look at your journey.  It’s all about what you call success.  Curious, Skeptical?
Come to a meeting this week and begin writing YOUR SUCCESS STORY!  

Let’s Clap the Big Hands!

Celebrate the Scale & those Non Scale Victories too!
2 Celebrations this week!    

Morgan arrived to her meeting this week sporting a Stanley Cup Blackhawks t-shirt.  After the meeting she shared that she had bought the tee after the big win but had found it on sale, and of course the store hadn’t any left in her size.  She bought the smaller size and now it FITS!  And not just that she can squeeze into it but actually wear it comfortably in public! Love these non-scale victories!  No matter what the scale says Morgan knows that she is losing inches! 

Kelly…..drum roll please!  Hit GOAL!!  YAY!!  She announced that she had reached her goal weight and able to feel good in her clothes again.  All of them except her bras!  She proudly announced the need for new undergarments to support her new body! 

We are so proud of both of you and thank you for sharing your stories with us!  BRAVO LADIES! 

(if you’d like to share your success, post under comments or let me know you’d like to be added in the blog)

You can be successful!  Everyday you’re writing that story.  Success isn’t just the number on the scale.  How do you measure success?  How can changing your perception of success help you achieve more?  All month it is all about YOU and all about the story you are choosing to write!

Last Week:     AWESOME – YES, YOU!
The power of positive thinking is just that – POWERFUL!  Especially on our not so fantastic days.  I loved seeing all the self-Bravos that were shared on Facebook this week.  None had anything to do with the scale!  Take a quick mental scan at the end of each day to reflect on just how awesome you are!

What’s Happening This Week!
Starter kits, Shop, Eat Out, Power Food Guides are deeply discounted as we look to 2016.  Check prices in your meeting rooms!  Other items that are also on sale this week-
OATMEAL:   $4.95
FRUITIES:  $1.50

Quote of the Week:
by William Arthur Ward

“If you can imagine it,
You can create it.  If you can dream it,
You can become it!”

This newsletter is and the views shared are not affiliated with weight watchers international, inc.  It is meant to be a motivational tool.

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