Tuesday, September 15, 2015

True Confessions of an imperfect Weight Watcher Leader

September 15, 2015
Weight:  -3.0
Number of diet cokes so far today:  NONE!

Number of times I wanted to stop tracking:  137
Yay Me!  I think I am flipping the mental switch back into caring mode.  Facing the scale last week for myself and all of you was HUGE!  Instead of the excuses that kept popping in my head I realized that until this was real for me.  I had 2 choices; one either continue maintaining this new higher weight that I really didn’t like or I could start doing my job!  I even caught myself making a pile of “someday I’ll wear these again pants.”  OOPS!  I think that was my slam on the brakes moment.  That ah ha reality check that was confirmation that I was no longer being honest with myself.  That I needed to change.  

Hence the September of Transparency. 
This week I was so determined to lose those 2.2 pounds that everything that went into my mouth (after Labor Day weekend parties of course) was tracked.  I didn’t weigh and measure but if it was countable it was counted.  I tracked water, 0 point fruits & veggies and even was sure to take my vitamins and get in my healthy oils.  I wanted to give up many times.  Especially after figuring out I had had 30 points at Chipotle!  Really didn’t want to track that.  But I pressed on.  Partly because I knew I didn’t want to type a + again for you; and partly because I could feel the good habits coming back to me!  I know that sounds weird but it was like I could almost see a glimpse of where I was going and it felt so good that I wanted to get there no matter what!
However, I admitted to some of you on Friday that I was beginning to get nervous.  Was I going to step on the scale Saturday morning after this fantastic on plan week and….what if… It didn’t show?  EEK!  For goodness sake I know as well as you do that the scale doesn’t define our success.  But I didn’t care.  In that moment before actually putting my feet onto the scale (after peeing and exhaling of course) I wanted so badly for there to be a minus sign!  Whew!  There was!  And it was a big one too!  I was so proud of myself that I almost didn’t wait till today for the blog.  I almost sent it to Facebook at 6 am on Saturday! J
So after my private celebration the reality of my Story came into focus.  It would have been or maybe it should have been o.k. no matter what that dumb box of springs had told me.  Why was I nervous?  I was kicking Weight Watcher butt last week and I was proud of myself.  Truthfully there would have been a pang of sadness, frustration, anger and a little shouting in that moment if I had gained or stayed the same but I also can honestly say that my body felt good last week.  I felt stronger and more in control of my food choices.  I even said no to the concession stand during the kid’s football games!  These are the actual successes that were a part of my story last week.  I think I am going to write them down so I remember how great this felt – then read them on those weeks when the scale just isn’t in my favor.  Can you try to believe in yourself too this week?
Can you take the power away from the scale & acknowledge the choices & behaviors that you achieved?  Savor those accomplishments!  Revel in the power of your body! 

If you are reading this and thinking; My life is so HARD right now I can’t focus on weight, if this week life is body slamming you all over the ring. Then take a breath and remember this is just one chapter of the story.  Soon a new chapter will begin.  Each chapter is filled with our hopes, dreams, obstacles, epiphanies, and our life aside from W.W. and that’s what makes us special.  
So breathe in, now exhale.  And decide: What will Your Story look like this week?  I can’t wait to hear all about it! 

What do you think of the new “My Success Story” tool that replaced your Weight Record?  Losing weight is important, but it isn’t the be-all, end-all to a happy healthy life.  This tool is designed to help you define your goals on and off the scale.  How is your story coming along?

Last Week:     SET YOUR COURSE
How do you define success?  Defining and setting goals that are personal and meaningful to us means we are much more likely to stay focused and engaged.  Set your course on a path that takes you where you want to go and you will not want to stray!

This Week:   WHAT’S YOUR WHY?
Each and every one of us has different reasons why we are working toward weight loss.  For some it is an upcoming wedding, for others it is being able to sit on the floor and play with the (grand) kids.  Perhaps it’s to learn healthier food choices and know what a serving size looks like.  Understanding what you want can help you stay motivated in the long run.  So, why do you feel strongly about making changes in your life?  Both on & off the scale.   Give it some thought before you head to your meeting this week!

What’s Happening This Week!

OATMEAL:   $4.95
FRUITIES:  $1.50

Back by popular demand:  Is it possible to be addicted to SUGAR?   Don’t have a sweet tooth? You will be surprised where this little treat is hiding!
  • In South Elgin = September 24,  6:00pm - 7:00pm


Servings:  10
PPV:  4
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time:  40 minutes
Other:  20 minutes

·        ¼ cup unsalted butter
·        ¼ cup packed light brown sugar
·        7 slices of canned pineapple rings in juice, reserve ¼ cup juice*
·        1 cup of unprepared vanilla cake mix  
·        1 large egg     

1.     Preheat oven to 375˚F. 
2.     Melt 2 tablespoons butter in a 9-inch round, flameproof, aluminum pan over medium-low heat (make sure to cover entire pan bottom); sprinkle sugar over top.
3.     Carefully place pineapple rings in a single layer in bottom of pan. Increase heat to medium-high and cook until pineapple caramelizes, flipping once, about 2 minutes per side; remove pan from heat. 
4.     Melt remaining 2 tablespoons butter on stove top or in microwave. In a medium-size mixing bowl, beat egg with melted butter. Add cake mix and reserved pineapple juice; combine well. 
5.     Pour batter over pineapple; bake until a toothpick inserted in center of cake comes out clean, about 30 to 35 minutes. Allow cake to cool for about 15 to 20 minutes; when still warm, loosen sides with a knife and invert cake onto a serving plate. Slice into 10 pieces and serve. Yields 1 slice per serving. 

Quote of the Week:
by Dr. Joyce Brothers

This newsletter is and the views shared are not affiliated with weight watchers international, inc.  It is meant to be a motivational tool. 

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