Wednesday, September 30, 2015

True Confessions of an Imperfect Weight Watcher Leader

September 28, 2015
Weight:  -2.8
Number of days I’ve avoided cleaning my house:  5

Number of days I got 10k steps in:  2
I got out of my head and am headed back in the right direction.  After my week of “not caring” I have decided to care again!  How did I do it?  mmmmm…..  I am not sure there is a tangible answer.  But what I can tell you is that there were a few things that fell into place for me. 
Something happened at work that made me lose confidence in myself as a leader.  The next day 2 members came up to me after their meetings with a compliment and kind word of encouragement.  Thank You!  You came to me at a time that was very important and especially needed!  I also had a chance to sit by myself.  This is a rarity for me.  To sit quietly with a notebook, my new planner/calendar, my bible and sip my hot tea.  My “Purposeful Planner” had arrived in the mail a few days ago but I hadn’t had time to really look at it.  One each page there is a spot to “brain dump” and another for daily goals.  This just seemed powerful to me in that moment.  You know what I mean?  Another day I might not have filled in those sections but this day, wow.  I wrote and “dumped” all the to-do’s filling my brain and then narrowed to what I wanted to accomplish THAT day.  Seems easy but often my “to-do’s” pressure me to think they need to be accomplished all at once.  And when that doesn’t happen I feel bad.  Beat myself up and eat.  This day was about making myself a priority and choosing the top 3 goals for the day.  One of those goals was to cook dinner, one was to track, and the other was about a bill that needed paying.  I can do 3 things!  So I sat drinking my tea and decided how I would set out to get those 3 done.  Well if have pork chops thawed in the fridge.  (Never eaten due to grill – you know if you came to a meeting last week) so guess what?  I went and got a new tank of gas for the grill.  I also have a huge bag of Romaine hearts, so we can have salad and although not the healthiest, I also have a bag of French fries in the freezer that I can bake.  Soon I felt like the dinner was no big deal.  Next came the plan for the bill.  This did require a few phone calls but I felt much better crossing off item number 3!  Lastly was tracking.  I had gone back to paper tracking a few months ago but it had lost its appeal so I tracked on my phone.  Just left if on the kitchen counter and as I ate I scanned, searched or calculated the points for it.  Check 1 Check 2 Check 3! 
This felt amazing!  What I learned was that I needed to make Me Time important enough to do it.  I needed to make myself a priority so that I was happy with my accomplishment and that happiness oozed out on the kids during homework, my husband as we ate dinner and even the crabby woman in line behind me at Aldi complaining about the slow lines.  Instead of ignoring her I simply invited her to cut in front of me.  All of this because I was proud of myself for getting a few things done on a list that I was able to make while spending time with ME! 
What would you do for you?
I must confess since this is Transparency September:  I have not taken time to pull out my planner any other days this week.  Why?  I think it is because taking care of myself is a new behavior that I haven’t quite mastered.  I need to figure out a time that works, a space that works and dedicate myself to this task a do-able amount of times per week.  Since I am 1 for 4.  I think my goal is once more during the next 3 days.  Push myself to be more exact.  I will open my planner on Thursday morning at 6:30-6:40 between one kid leaving for school & the other 5 getting up. 
Whew!  Committing can be tough but the realization is that the work pays off big so in my mind it’s worth it.  Will you be worth it this week too?  I challenge you to try and find an activity, a book, a recipe, or steal just a few quiet moments away with yourself this week and see what it is that you are willing to do for you?  I’d love to hear what you come up with & hope you will share in it with us in the meeting this week or comment here on the blog!  Let’s be crazy & put ourselves first a little today, I dare ya! 

Let’s Clap the Big Hands!

Shelly C.
Celebrate the Scale & those Non Scale Victories too!

SHELLY in N. Aurora!    
Shelly walked for a cause!  Walk, Roll or Wheel for Transverse Myelitis.  This disorder affects adults and children of any age and can cause temporary or permanent paralysis and blindness.  There is currently no cure so those that suffer from this disease and others came out to raise money & awareness.  Some walking, some in wheel chairs, & others using walkers made the 1.2 mile loop along with Shelly!  Thank you for sharing awareness with us too!  Way to go Shelly!  Look at all her bling!

Keep celebrating with us!  Your accomplishments matter!
(if you’d like to share your success, let me know you’d like to be added in the blog)

   You have the tools to write your success story!  What do you like best about the booklets?  Are they making a difference in your week?  Life isn’t just about focusing on food or exercising.  Life is meant to be enjoyed!  Whatever your goals are, our aim is to help you live a life you love living!
What a powerful month!
Many of us are very good at taking care of others but did you know it is just as important to take care of and nurture ourselves?  It helps us feel good physically and emotionally throughout the day.  And that can help us focus on taking care of ourselves in ways that do involve food, too.  Your first step in creating “ME” time?  Join us in the meeting room.  30 minutes just for you!

What’s Happening This Week!

Back by popular demand:  Is it possible to be addicted to SUGAR?   Don’t have a sweet tooth? You will be surprised where this little treat is hiding!
·         In South Elgin = OCTOBER 1,  6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
·         In Geneva = Oct. 7, 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Quote of the Week:

This newsletter is and the views shared are not affiliated with weight watchers international, inc.  It is meant to be a motivational tool.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

True Confessions of an Imperfect Weight Watcher Leader

September 23, 2015
Weight:  -.8
Number of days THIS week I’ve already went over my points:  3

Number of Diet Cokes by 10:30am today:  2
my orchid brings more happiness then tacos
After my second week in a row losing ~ something in me started to weaken.  Was it that this week’s loss wasn’t as big as it was the first week?  Am I bored already?  I hope not.  But, my drive definitely changed for the worse.  Where in weeks one and two I refused to go out for dinner the night before my weigh in.  Friday – sure why not?  Let's have Buffalo Wild Wings the day before I weigh.  Then yesterday after a long day and late night I finally got home at 9pm.  I just wanted to go to bed.  I had eaten all my points for the day.  I’d already used my allowance points for the week and yet at 9:15 my husband walks in the door with a 10 pack of tacos from Taco Bell, and I think he’s a genius!  What a great idea; tacos at bedtime! Remember I was not hungry at all; but, by 9:21 I had already devoured one soft shell taco.  
Note to self: Tired, stressful, long days are not fixed by tacos!  That is the thought that I woke up with today.  Was my resolve back?  I know that since I am over in points and have not earned very many in the way of activity I may have a gain this week.  However, if I throw in the towel now I’ll gain even more. So stop it.  Taking back control starting again now! That was the positive me first thing this morning.  Good Right?  Well it didn't last too long.
Life threw me a curve ball while taking the kids to school; my car died.  Right in the middle of the road.  She let out some grumbling noises and just shut down. Smack dab in the middle of my street.  After pushing the car back into the driveway (Whew cars are heavy!) Shoving 5 kids into the pickup truck to get them to school.  I met a friend for coffee. (Diet coke for me please)  I figured there was nothing in that moment I could do about the car so I kept my plans and meet her at Dunkin Donuts!  I ordered my drink and stared at the lovely tray of Boston Crème Donuts.  They weren’t just shouting my name but instead they were almost whispering.  A gentle soft voice that said “Eat me, you’ll forget all about the car, Eat me – we understand how hard today has been.  Eat me – It’ll taste like a warm hug.  Were here for you.”  (Just curious, Am I the only one that can hear donuts talking?)
Long story short I passed on the donut!  YAY!  BUT had a second D.C. (not bad just against my personal goals) that is when I was reminded of my goal.  What is it that I want by the end of September and what will it take for me to accomplish it?
I know what my goal is for these four weeks, do you?  It really kept me away from that 9 ppv donut.  I also knew that if I had one donut it would have spiked my desire for sugar and the rest of the day would have been shot. 
I want to challenge you to take a minute today and listen.  Hear and see what success looks like to you.  Find the goals inside of you instead of focusing on the past.  The power of your future!  How about it?  Do you care enough this September to put your goals first no matter what changes that may mean you will have to take?  I hope so.  You are worth it!  I believe in us! 

Let’s Clap the Big Hands!
Celebrate the Scale & those Non Scale Victories too!
2 Celebrations this week!    

DEBBIE C. in Geneva.
Debbie reached her first 5 pound milestone!  In her fist month back at W.W she has lost a total of 6.4 pounds!  I am so proud of her and want to thank you for letting us recognize this goal.  Often we feel like we want to wait & celebrate until we reach a “BIG” number but success starts in those first few weeks!  Thank you Debbie!  We can’t wait to see what the future holds for you! 

Sue & Family

SUE & Family in N. Aurora.
Sue is a Life Time member that was able to walk 13.1 miles in 3 hours and 52 minutes!  She was bookin it!  Her family also supported her by participating together.  Her daughter Stefanie, actually ran the full marathon!  Check out those medals!  Sue shared that the meetings encourage her and inspire her even after she “messes up”.  I love hearing that but that I add these celebrations because you all inspire ME as well!  YAY Sue for walking for such a good cause and for meeting your goals! 

[Keep celebrating with us!  Your accomplishments matter!  I'd love to share your success in the blog - just let me know if you are interested in sharing this part of your story!]

One way to master our motivations is to keep our WHY in the front of our minds.  Why did we come in the first place?  What keeps us coming?  Harness the power of your “why” as you work toward your goals.

This Week:   IT’S YOUR GOAL
How would you feel if we told you that you are setting your own personal goals?  Both long term and short term?  No we haven’t lost our mind, as a matter of fact we are beginning to wrap our brains around the idea that people are more likely able to reach their goals – when it is THEIR goals!  This week we will help you set a goal that means something to you.  Whether that is 5 pound increments, 5 % or to lose 42 pounds to get you to YOUR goal weight… it is all up to you.  Whatever you decide!  It is not set in stone.  We will revisit it periodically.  Stay for a meeting this week and learn what we are changing in regards to your goals. 

What’s Happening This Week!
   FITBITS: $89.95 out the door with tax!
   SMOOTHIES:  $4.95
   OATMEAL:   $4.95
   FRUITIES:  $1.50

Feel like you are the only one that is struggling to find success?  
Come to a workshop & learn you're not alone - but we don't want you staying in that mindset either.  Let us help you get back on track! 
***** Change of Date!****
·         In South Elgin = OCTOBER 1,  6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
·         In Geneva = Oct. 7, 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Quote of the Week:

This newsletter is and the views shared are not affiliated with weight watchers international, inc.  It is meant to be a motivational tool.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

True Confessions of an imperfect Weight Watcher Leader

September 15, 2015
Weight:  -3.0
Number of diet cokes so far today:  NONE!

Number of times I wanted to stop tracking:  137
Yay Me!  I think I am flipping the mental switch back into caring mode.  Facing the scale last week for myself and all of you was HUGE!  Instead of the excuses that kept popping in my head I realized that until this was real for me.  I had 2 choices; one either continue maintaining this new higher weight that I really didn’t like or I could start doing my job!  I even caught myself making a pile of “someday I’ll wear these again pants.”  OOPS!  I think that was my slam on the brakes moment.  That ah ha reality check that was confirmation that I was no longer being honest with myself.  That I needed to change.  

Hence the September of Transparency. 
This week I was so determined to lose those 2.2 pounds that everything that went into my mouth (after Labor Day weekend parties of course) was tracked.  I didn’t weigh and measure but if it was countable it was counted.  I tracked water, 0 point fruits & veggies and even was sure to take my vitamins and get in my healthy oils.  I wanted to give up many times.  Especially after figuring out I had had 30 points at Chipotle!  Really didn’t want to track that.  But I pressed on.  Partly because I knew I didn’t want to type a + again for you; and partly because I could feel the good habits coming back to me!  I know that sounds weird but it was like I could almost see a glimpse of where I was going and it felt so good that I wanted to get there no matter what!
However, I admitted to some of you on Friday that I was beginning to get nervous.  Was I going to step on the scale Saturday morning after this fantastic on plan week and….what if… It didn’t show?  EEK!  For goodness sake I know as well as you do that the scale doesn’t define our success.  But I didn’t care.  In that moment before actually putting my feet onto the scale (after peeing and exhaling of course) I wanted so badly for there to be a minus sign!  Whew!  There was!  And it was a big one too!  I was so proud of myself that I almost didn’t wait till today for the blog.  I almost sent it to Facebook at 6 am on Saturday! J
So after my private celebration the reality of my Story came into focus.  It would have been or maybe it should have been o.k. no matter what that dumb box of springs had told me.  Why was I nervous?  I was kicking Weight Watcher butt last week and I was proud of myself.  Truthfully there would have been a pang of sadness, frustration, anger and a little shouting in that moment if I had gained or stayed the same but I also can honestly say that my body felt good last week.  I felt stronger and more in control of my food choices.  I even said no to the concession stand during the kid’s football games!  These are the actual successes that were a part of my story last week.  I think I am going to write them down so I remember how great this felt – then read them on those weeks when the scale just isn’t in my favor.  Can you try to believe in yourself too this week?
Can you take the power away from the scale & acknowledge the choices & behaviors that you achieved?  Savor those accomplishments!  Revel in the power of your body! 

If you are reading this and thinking; My life is so HARD right now I can’t focus on weight, if this week life is body slamming you all over the ring. Then take a breath and remember this is just one chapter of the story.  Soon a new chapter will begin.  Each chapter is filled with our hopes, dreams, obstacles, epiphanies, and our life aside from W.W. and that’s what makes us special.  
So breathe in, now exhale.  And decide: What will Your Story look like this week?  I can’t wait to hear all about it! 

What do you think of the new “My Success Story” tool that replaced your Weight Record?  Losing weight is important, but it isn’t the be-all, end-all to a happy healthy life.  This tool is designed to help you define your goals on and off the scale.  How is your story coming along?

Last Week:     SET YOUR COURSE
How do you define success?  Defining and setting goals that are personal and meaningful to us means we are much more likely to stay focused and engaged.  Set your course on a path that takes you where you want to go and you will not want to stray!

This Week:   WHAT’S YOUR WHY?
Each and every one of us has different reasons why we are working toward weight loss.  For some it is an upcoming wedding, for others it is being able to sit on the floor and play with the (grand) kids.  Perhaps it’s to learn healthier food choices and know what a serving size looks like.  Understanding what you want can help you stay motivated in the long run.  So, why do you feel strongly about making changes in your life?  Both on & off the scale.   Give it some thought before you head to your meeting this week!

What’s Happening This Week!

OATMEAL:   $4.95
FRUITIES:  $1.50

Back by popular demand:  Is it possible to be addicted to SUGAR?   Don’t have a sweet tooth? You will be surprised where this little treat is hiding!
  • In South Elgin = September 24,  6:00pm - 7:00pm


Servings:  10
PPV:  4
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time:  40 minutes
Other:  20 minutes

·        ¼ cup unsalted butter
·        ¼ cup packed light brown sugar
·        7 slices of canned pineapple rings in juice, reserve ¼ cup juice*
·        1 cup of unprepared vanilla cake mix  
·        1 large egg     

1.     Preheat oven to 375˚F. 
2.     Melt 2 tablespoons butter in a 9-inch round, flameproof, aluminum pan over medium-low heat (make sure to cover entire pan bottom); sprinkle sugar over top.
3.     Carefully place pineapple rings in a single layer in bottom of pan. Increase heat to medium-high and cook until pineapple caramelizes, flipping once, about 2 minutes per side; remove pan from heat. 
4.     Melt remaining 2 tablespoons butter on stove top or in microwave. In a medium-size mixing bowl, beat egg with melted butter. Add cake mix and reserved pineapple juice; combine well. 
5.     Pour batter over pineapple; bake until a toothpick inserted in center of cake comes out clean, about 30 to 35 minutes. Allow cake to cool for about 15 to 20 minutes; when still warm, loosen sides with a knife and invert cake onto a serving plate. Slice into 10 pieces and serve. Yields 1 slice per serving. 

Quote of the Week:
by Dr. Joyce Brothers

This newsletter is and the views shared are not affiliated with weight watchers international, inc.  It is meant to be a motivational tool. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


True Confessions of an Imperfect Weight Watcher Leader

September 8, 2015

This week's weight:  +2.2
Number of days last week I wore my Fit-bit:  2
Number of weekly allowance points used so far:  All of them

Ok!  There it is.  This month I will start all the weekly blogs with a little confession.  It is not there for you to judge or admire me.  It is for me to set my goals.  The entire month of September, I ask YOU – my W.W family to help hold me accountable. The truth is that when I weigh monthly for my boss she isn’t that concerned with my pluses and minuses as long as I am in a healthy weight range.  Which I am.  [See BMI chart on back of weight record]  So I am officially weighing in as a member each Saturday morning before we open and I will acknowledge that up or down to you. Pure Transparency is my goal for September.  EEK!  Even typing that was scary!
Enough about that.  This week I am stoked to tell you about a new item that you will all receive THIS week at the meeting!    I’m not going to give it all away ~ I want you to come see for yourself! 
Here’s a hint….
Aren’t we more motivated to reach the goals that are meaningful to us?  We’ve talked about this all year.  Right?  Being “healthy & losing weight” are great goals but much too vague.  Wanting to cross your legs, not need a seat belt extender, get off meds, wear shoes with ties.  These are personal & powerful goals.  Those goals are meaningful to you and become YOUR goals.  They may or may not have anything to do with the scale; and because of that you may actually do what it takes to reach them!  Wouldn’t that be amazing!  Actually reaching our goals this month!  Truly doing what we decided we wanted to do! 
We’ve all heard that “this is not a diet but a lifestyle.”  BUT what if we REALLY believed that?  Shut the Front Door!  Live life taking care of ourselves!  Embrace realistic expectations!  Actually find ways celebrate beyond simply eating well and exercising!  WOW!  So if you can’t tell we are taking back power from the scale!  Starting THIS week!
Before you attend your meeting I ask you to think of your journey as a story.  There may be ups & downs. Adventure, drama, sadness and extreme joy as we are living life.  Just like the stories we watch on t.v. or read in novels.  What happens in one chapter might be completely different in the next!  Weight Watchers still wants you to lose weight and get healthy but we are relinquishing control and letting you be the author of your own journey!  Intrigued? 
Stop & Think about what is it that you really want?  Start realizing all the amazing things that you are doing on a daily or weekly basis (just like you’ve posted on Facebook all week!) Do this instead of allowing the number on the scale to decide if you have had a “good” or “bad” week.  I realize I just stated at the top of this blog that I am posting my gain or loss, but that is because that IS important to ME this month.  Now ask yourself what is it that you want this month?  What is your WHY?  What is it that is keeping you at Weight Watchers right now and how will YOU measure success and healthy living? Will it include the scale?  That’s up to you!  So Set Your Course& I welcome you to a new way to plan and measure your progress!  Yes, everyone’s success story is going to be a little different an that is ok.  In fact, that is exactly why this is such an important and unique way to look at your journey.  It’s all about what you call success.  Curious, Skeptical?
Come to a meeting this week and begin writing YOUR SUCCESS STORY!  

Let’s Clap the Big Hands!

Celebrate the Scale & those Non Scale Victories too!
2 Celebrations this week!    

Morgan arrived to her meeting this week sporting a Stanley Cup Blackhawks t-shirt.  After the meeting she shared that she had bought the tee after the big win but had found it on sale, and of course the store hadn’t any left in her size.  She bought the smaller size and now it FITS!  And not just that she can squeeze into it but actually wear it comfortably in public! Love these non-scale victories!  No matter what the scale says Morgan knows that she is losing inches! 

Kelly…..drum roll please!  Hit GOAL!!  YAY!!  She announced that she had reached her goal weight and able to feel good in her clothes again.  All of them except her bras!  She proudly announced the need for new undergarments to support her new body! 

We are so proud of both of you and thank you for sharing your stories with us!  BRAVO LADIES! 

(if you’d like to share your success, post under comments or let me know you’d like to be added in the blog)

You can be successful!  Everyday you’re writing that story.  Success isn’t just the number on the scale.  How do you measure success?  How can changing your perception of success help you achieve more?  All month it is all about YOU and all about the story you are choosing to write!

Last Week:     AWESOME – YES, YOU!
The power of positive thinking is just that – POWERFUL!  Especially on our not so fantastic days.  I loved seeing all the self-Bravos that were shared on Facebook this week.  None had anything to do with the scale!  Take a quick mental scan at the end of each day to reflect on just how awesome you are!

What’s Happening This Week!
Starter kits, Shop, Eat Out, Power Food Guides are deeply discounted as we look to 2016.  Check prices in your meeting rooms!  Other items that are also on sale this week-
OATMEAL:   $4.95
FRUITIES:  $1.50

Quote of the Week:
by William Arthur Ward

“If you can imagine it,
You can create it.  If you can dream it,
You can become it!”

This newsletter is and the views shared are not affiliated with weight watchers international, inc.  It is meant to be a motivational tool.