Tuesday, June 9, 2015


A Good Plan gets rained on
If you have been in a meeting lately you know that I began training do run a 5k race with my 11 year old daughter about 10 weeks ago.  I downloaded the Couch to 5k app (C25K) in plenty of time to go from being fairly inactive to being able to run the entire race with her as she was training at school in a girls running program.  I admit, that race in June, seemed terribly far away when it was April and we were still wearing winter coats! I did my app- sometimes.  I even got up to week 5 of the 8 week training program but trying to cram 8 weeks into a few attempts wasn’t realistic or attainable.  So I made a Race Day Plan.  I knew that I had run for 5 minutes straight on a few different occasions and on one occasion I had even gone a full 17!   So come “Race Day” I would start out slow but run for a minimum of 5 minutes.  Then I could see if I could push myself a little farther depending on the crowd’s energy and Talia.  My hope was that she would be key in pushing me past my “I can’t” mentality.  When I couldn’t go any farther, I would walk but not for more than 2 minutes then run another 5 and on and on.  I also told myself numerous times on the 1 ½ hour bus ride that “I AM A RUNNER”  “I CAN DO THIS” by the time we got to Joliet Speedway I was excited and feeling good.  I know some of you were also there but I only saw Kelly S. since our daughters attend the same school! :)
My Running Buddy Talia

Then if you have been on Facebook you would know that after we waited for our heat to be called and all began lining up at the start line it began to rain.  Still most in the crowd were excited!  Then, it REALLY started raining and people just started running!  I had no idea if we were supposed to, if we were on the track or if we were heading towards the parking lot but when a herd of people are moving you just better move too!  Sadly, as the crowd started to thin I realized we were heading toward the buses & I heard the loud speaker announce that lightening had been spotted in the area.  This would post-pone the race.  We sat soaked and quiet on the school bus for a while before our school coaches were told that it was indeed canceled. 
Was my “training” for nothing?  Did I wake up at 5 am for nothing?  Was a small part of me happy… J  I won’t confirm nor deny!  But on the long, wet, cold ride home (only the experienced runners knew to bring a change of dry clothes) I knew I wanted to finish.  I WANT to finish.  And now I was given a chance to complete my training and actually RUN a 5K!  After a nap my daughter and I went on-line and looked up races without age restrictions.  Now that we have our list, I just have to compare the dates with the rest of our family calendar but by the end of the week we will be signed up for a 5K!  Ask me which one we are doing.  Hold me accountable! 
What about you?  Whether your goals include moving like we discussed last week in the meeting or if your goals are weight related, or involve tracking, what happens when YOU’RE well thought out plan gets rained on?  How do you respond?  Do you throw in the towel and just give up?  Who or What do you need to stay motivated? Can you do it?  Will you do it?  Only you can decide that.  But I believe that the summer of 2015 is OUR SUMMER!  The summer of change, accomplished goals and just being Happy with where I’m heading! 

minions Make me Happy

Do you ever say to yourself, “I’ll be happy when…”or “Once I lose weight, then I’ll enjoy…?”  Happiness can be cultivated and when we do it’s easier to the choices that improve our lives and make us , well, Happy!  So this month that is what we are focusing on in our meetings – Getting Happy!


Last Week:     ”GO OUT & PLAY”

Exercise can be such a a challenge!  In our meeting we “packed a bag” with the tools needed to be more active.  Looking at what you’re trying to achieve & what actions you need to take to make that happen can help us decide what tools you need to start reaching your goals!  Sometimes we need physical items for the activity and sometimes we need intangibles like motivation, stamina, etc.  What did you end up packing?  Will it fit in your with your lifestyle? Be sure to share in the meeting what you will need and maybe inspire a fellow member, too!

This Week:  “GET HAPPY”

Who doesn’t want to be happy?  It seems that most of us have pursued happiness at one time or another.  After all, it’s why we joined Weight Watchers.  Once we have lost our weight and gotten to our weight loss goal, we’ll be happy, right?!  How would it feel though if you could be happy starting right now?  What is it that makes you happy?  What do you associate with that feeling of happiness?  “If you’re happy and you know it..” make your way to the meeting & support others in finding their HAPPY!  If you aren’t there yet, don’t worry there will be lots of brain power in the room generating ideas that could help you find your Happy, Happy, Happy place!

 What’s Happening This Week!

Candies:       $1.50
Smoothies:   $4.95
Original Active Link:  $5.00 ~ WHAT? 

You saw right!  The completely waterproof original Active Link is $5 through June 20.

$5 monthly subscription fee


Do you feel unmotivated?  Struggling with staying on plan? You're not alone!  Find a workshop that fits your schedule!
·         June 11,  6-7pm ~  South Elgin
·         June 20, 10:30-11:30am ~ North Aurora
·         June 25,  6:30-7:30pm ~ Geneva

Need help using your WW app or digital tools on your tablets?  Bring your smart phones or tablets with the app downloaded and be ready to learn some great tricks and tips!
·         June 27, 10:30am North Aurora

Let’s Clap the Big Hands!
Yay Deb!  GOAL!
Celebrate the Scale & those Non Scale Victories too!

This week I want to recognize Deb from the South Elgin Thursday night meeting!  She reached her weight goal!  Woo-Hooo!!!  Deb mentioned that tracking is a big part of her success and it was great hearing from our life time members that encouraged her to KEEP coming even after Lifetime to help keep her at her goal!  Bravo Deb!  We are so proud to be a part of your journey!

(if you’d like to share your success, post under comments or let me know you’d like to be added in the blog)

Quote of the Week:

This newsletter is and the views shared are not affiliated with weight watchers international, inc.  It is meant to be a motivational tool.

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