Tuesday, June 30, 2015


If you Give a Moose a Muffin…..
Big Gramma & Big Papa celebrating 65 yrs!
This weekend was busy, crazy, fun and nostalgic all at once and now I’m feeling super tired!  Saturday after the meetings my family came over to celebrate the 8 summer birthdays we have.  Way too much food, (my mom brought 3 desserts!) and although plenty of what we served was healthy and lower in points that doesn’t help if you continue to eat it!  Then my son gets his front adult tooth chipped off while screwing around and well, being a boy.  Frustrating none the less.   Sunday was my grandparent’s 65th wedding anniversary where there was more food.  Then when I think my weekend couldn’t get any fuller; on Monday my kids made up a new game – a very unsafe game that resulted in our 5 year old breaking his leg!  
All the while I continued to remind myself that “All the food in the world will not change the reality of my life right now”  I had to remember that although I was unhappy about the situation.  My eating wasn’t going to change the fact that we would need to have dental work done soon.  My eating did not add to the celebration of all the cousin’s birthdays & wedding anniversary.  And consuming a giant sundae from Culver's would not heal my son’s leg. And don’t even get me started with our little league schedule every night this week at 3 different fields, all at the same time.
My point of telling you this?  Not to have you all join me in a pity party but to ask myself how I want these “Life” situations to affect my weight loss this week.  Can my attitude affect my happiness?  YES!  I can be grateful that my son didn’t break his wrists too, which could have easily happened the way he fell.  My son with the chipped tooth was told if he had chipped off any more of the tooth we would have had to have had a root canal, a crown and future surgeries as he got older!  I can be thankful and grateful about that! 
Which got me thinking...Have you ever read the story of the Moose that asked for a muffin only to get distracted, color some pictures, make a mess, spill some milk and then realize he never had the muffin?  Which of course starts the cycle of silliness all over again.  This week I will not be the Moose!  
*If You Give a Moose a Muffin by Laura Numeroff
Although eating can make events seem more fun sometimes I need to fess up and decide if I am just eating out of emotion.  I’ll admit that those moments can lead to a temporary pay off – but the reality is that it usually costs me more in the long run.  This is how it works when we are like the silly moose: Something good or bad happens, I eat to distract myself from that heightened emotion; I feel better for a few moments; then I feel bad about myself for eating; I decide I am a W.W. failure which leads to me eating something else to escape that thought, then I feel bad and eat again and so on and so on. Can you relate? 
I often hear members in meetings argue food or activity to be the controlling factor in weight loss success.  I argue that the most essential player in my success, is MY MIND.  
Sometimes, My mind has to change before My weight can!


We're wrapping up June this week.  How are you more mindful of your happiness?  What changes have you seen in your overall quality of life?  We’re here to help you not only lose weight but this month but to – GET HAPPY!



Whatever it is that we want to achieve, keeping our eyes on the goal can help us get there.  Thinking about our “why” can help us focus on the “how” since our motivations change over time.  Did you make a Vision Board this week or choose an anchor to keep that Why Close By?  If so, where did you put it so that it made a difference for you?  Remember having a visual cue reminds us what we are working towards!


Believe it or not, the simple act of acknowledging gratitude has benefits far beyond the moment you recognize it in your life.  It can shift your mindset and even your biology!  It’s another building block to understanding happiness and how you can cultivate it in your life! 



~ be safe and enjoy your weekend!  Don’t forget we will be closed this Saturday in observance of the 4th of July holiday!  Don’t let this mean you have a “week off,” Find a meeting to visit earlier in the week & come back to us on the 11th! 



Smoothies:   $4.95
Success Handbook!  (My Favorite Product) :  $4.95

Erin is organizing a 5K walk this September and looking for members to start walking clubs in their areas – or after their meetings!  If you are interested in helping with this let me know!

Do you feel unmotivated?  Struggling with staying on plan? You're not alone!  Find a workshop that fits your schedule!
·         July 1, 9-10am ~ Geneva Store

Quote of the Week:
“Every Single Day you make a Choice” 
which will you make?

This newsletter is and the views shared are not affiliated with weight watchers international, inc.  It is meant to be a motivational tool.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Is Your WHY close By?
Can you believe that June is almost over? Me neither!  I have let a few of my goals for this month slip by me as well.  I had a birthday this week and really wanted to be able to run an entire 5k by then, wanted to feel confident in my swimsuit by then, and when my workout class with my sister ended I was sure that I would have kept up with some of the strength training the instructor had taught us.  None have happened.  And instead of listing my excuses/reasons let’s just say that I’m a little disappointed in myself for not adjusting to the kids being home as well as I thought I would.  So
I’m coming clean to all of you! 
My “Ah Ha” moment came at Friday’s meeting in Geneva when Michael shared the quote “Don’t give up what you want most for what you want in the moment!”  Then again Saturday at a Struggling Member Workshop in Aurora where I asked the group to remind themselves “Why” losing weight was important to them NOW.  This was sooo good to be reminded of!  Yet, I caught myself this weekend falling into the trap of letting my WHY get away and letting the Moment seem more important.  By the time Sunday rolled around I was up for indulging for Father’s Day.  How can I lose it so quickly? 
Indulging meant a little ice cream with those delicious heath bar candies on top! oh em gee!  Love those stinking things.  Can you read the smile on my face?  Those little crunchies make me Happy!  (Stand back while I am struck by lightning from the WW gods! – and NO you do NOT have permission to eat a heath bar today!)  I really only wanted a bowl of those and no ice cream but wasn’t sure if I had the guts to order that J  Sorry let me Focus! 
4 stinkin points plus values!
My frustration comes not because I indulged on treats but when I indulge at those times that are just “moments”  - Moments of laziness or delusion.  Like picking at our kids plates with leftover food I don’t even like?  Grabbing a handful of goldfish because the bag is open.  Not hungry – just convenient.  Do you know that you can have 55 goldfish pieces for 4 ppv?  But guess what?  I don’t like goldfish!  You can have a glass of wine, or 2 spoonful’s of heath bits…. I also cannot stand the mac & cheese my kids like.  You know the one where the cheese in the foil pouch ready to be squeezed onto the noodles after sitting for months on the warm shelf at the grocery store. Gack!   But I have to admit that I have eaten those last few bites.  Why?  Because I really don’t want to get out a container to save them for later? Or heaven forbid. Throw it in the trash?!  What is wrong with me?  What is wrong with us?  (See I am throwing you under the bus with me because I don’t want to be alone)
I am hoping that as we continue focusing on what it takes to Get Happy, and this weeks “Keep the Why Close By” that I will be able to reinforce those ideas to myself on a daily basis.  At each meal for goodness sake!  If I forget the Why it is very easy to slip down into that pit of “I don’t care” But the fact is, I do!  So instead of looking at what I didn’t accomplish this month I have just adjusted it & pushed my deadline.  I will focus on getting in the pool & having fun no matter what I look like or think I look like and I will work on the 5k.  By July 4th. My last “goal” for the day is to change my WW app prompt.  I don’t want it asking me if I tracked.  I am going to personalize it to ask me; “Where is your Why?”  I think that will get me thinking & being mindful and gosh darn it, isn’t that the point? 


Remember if you attend 10 of 12 weeks this summer you will earn your Get Happy Charm!



Did you find time to sit quietly for 2 minutes to breathe and relax?  Practicing mindfulness leads to making calm, rational decisions – especially in the moments of high stress (or temptation!) Like everything else, being mindful takes practice.  When can you make time to be mindful this week?


Post your boards on FB!

What is your “Why”?  It is a simple enough question, have you ever thought about the answer?  Why was it important to you to lose weight?  Is your answer different from when you first walked in the door of W.W?  Remembering the Why can help us focus on the How.  How can I tackle that obstacle? How was I successful in the past? How can I get to goal?  Since your Why is your initial motivator, realize it may change over time.  And if it does it means that your How may too!  All the more reason to keep that WHY close by!

What’s Happening This Week!
Candies:       $1.50
Smoothies:   $4.95
Success Handbook!  (My Favorite Product) :  $4.95


Do you feel unmotivated?  Struggling with staying on plan? You're not alone!  Find a workshop that fits your schedule!
·         June 25,  6:30-7:30pm ~ Geneva Store
·         July 1, 9-10am ~ Geneva Store

Need help using your WW app or digital tools on your tablets?  Bring your smart phones or tablets with the app downloaded and be ready to learn some great tricks and tips!
·         June 27, 10:30am North Aurora

Let’s Clap the Big Hands!
Celebrate the Scale & those Non Scale Victories too!

Tamara was in Hawaii this past week where her goal was to be able to climb to the top of an extinct volcano!  The hike begins in the crater then up to the top that overlooks Waikiki Beach.  The hike took 2 hours including 74 steps to the actual top!  Getting to the top of Diamond Head was one of the many goals on her summer bucket list that she can successfully cross off! Check – Done – She’s Awesome! 

(if you’d like to share your success, post under comments or let me know you’d like to be added in the blog)

View of  Diamond Head from her hotel

Quote of the Week:
by Zig Zigler
”People say motivation doesn’t last.  Well, neither does bathing.  That’s why we recommend it daily.”

This newsletter is and the views shared are not affiliated with weight watchers international, inc.  It is meant to be a motivational tool.

Happy Birthday June Babies!
Try this low point Birthday Cake!


Not my name!  Promise!  I came across this recipe when craving the toffee pieces J  But I suppose you could exchange the candy topping for your favorite as well!  This sinful cake has been lightened for maximum deliciousness!

Servings: 24
Yield: 1 9x13 cake
Points Plus Values:  4
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 35 Minutes

1 12 ounce can of Diet Coke
1 18 ounce box of devil’s food cake mix
1 egg white
6 ounces fat free caramel topping
7 ounces fat free condensed milk
1 English toffee candy bar

8 ounces fat free whipped topping

  •  Pre-heat the oven to 375
    1. Mix the cake mix, egg white, and diet soda.  Bake for 35 minutes in a greased 9x13 pan.
    2. During the last few minutes of baking put the caramel and condensed mild in a saucepan on low heat until smooth.
    3. After baking, remove cake from oven and pour saucepan mixture over the top.  Sprinkle half the heath bar on top.
    4. Cool Completely.  Cover with whipped topping and remaining toffee bits.
    Serving Size: 1 of 24 pieces of cake  = 4 PPV

    Tuesday, June 16, 2015

    Hawaiian Chicken Kebabs
    A fresh, yummy dinner on the grill!  
    Complete the experience by enjoying your meal outdoors!

    Servings: 4
    Points Plus Values:  8
    Prep Time: 25 minutes
    Cook Time: 10 Minutes

    1 Spray of Cooking Spray
    1 lb. boneless skinless chicken breast
    1/2 medium pineapple
    1 medium green pepper
    1 medium sweet red pepper
    1 large onion
    ¼ Cup pineapple juice or orange juice
    3 garlic cloves minced
    2 Tbsp soy sauce
    1 teaspoon of olive oil
    2 Cups cooked white or brown rice

    1. Cut each chicken breast, pineapple, pepper and onion into 1 inch thick pieces.  About 24 total pieces
    2. Combine chicken, juice, garlic, soy sauce and oil in a large bowl: marinate for at least 1 hour and up to 24 hours.
    3. Preheat grill.  Lightly coat vegetables with cooking spray. Thread 2 pieces of pepper, pineapple, chicken and onion onto each of 8 skewers. Then brush with marinade. (Note: if using wood skewers, soak in water to prevent charring)
    4. Grill until Chicken is completely cooked, about 8-10 minutes, turning the kebabs every 2 minutes so they’re cooked evenly on all sides. 

     Serving Size:  2 Kebabs and ½ Cup rice  

    Monday, June 15, 2015


    Noun: a combination of qualities, such as shape, color or form that pleases the intellect, moral and aesthetic senses.
    Let me tell you about my daughter Mia.  She is spunk, attitude, sass & style all wrapped up with dimples.  The things that come out of her mouth on a daily basis makes me laugh!
    To call her a fashion Diva doesn’t fully describe her.  She changes multiple times a day and carries at least 2 lip glosses where ever she goes.  (Yesterday I found 5 in her purse!) She will compliment strangers on their outfits as we grocery shop and critique her big sisters if she doesn’t agree with what they are wearing.  Did I mention she’s 4?  Yesterday as we were getting ready for church she asks my husband, “Isn’t Bella pretty?”  He says yes, all my girls are beautiful.  “Dad how do you know if she is pretty?  You didn’t even look to see her outfit?”  As I listened to him explain to her that being beautiful doesn’t matter what clothes you wear, and it definitely doesn’t matter if you have on sparkly eye shadow!  I sat listening to his responses on the subject of beauty and thought about how I have been asked a similar question privately by members over the past month.  Members from all walks of the W.W. journey.  Some at goal, some on the way to goal and some just starting out.
    “How can I learn to see myself as beautiful?  Or become comfortable in my own skin?” 
    Is the old adage “Beauty is skin deep” true?  Or does it come from a place of confidence, honesty, intelligence or generosity? What make us beautiful comes from within doesn’t it?  It’s the parts of us that are different and make us stand out!  Right?
     I even asked Siri on my phone once but she only pulled up pics of celebrities like Brad Pitt, Sandra Bullock, and Channing Tatum & Kerry Washington.  Not that I didn’t agree, but, really that’s not even a fair!  Google it and you will get more frustrating responses. The longer I searched the more frustrated I became.  How do we as adult women (& men) find ourselves competing with photo shopped super freak models and actors?  How do I raise 3 girls to know they are beautiful when they see images all around them that say they aren’t? 
    Did you know that in the mid centuries it was a sign of wealth and beauty if you were considered plump?  Then in the late 1800’s the word diet started to creep into our vernacular.  Today, economists post that a “well-groomed male and an attractive female will earn 4 times their “average” counterparts in the workplace”.  UGHH!  REALLY?! 
    So... How do I believe I am beautiful?  How do I learn to be confident in this body?  How do I get Mia to believe all the great things her dad told her?  Or help you in the meeting rooms to believe it for yourself?  I’m not sure if there is a concrete answer that translates to the masses.  (I hope you will add your thoughts on this topic in the comment section below!)   But, after scouring through a lot of crap on the internet on the subject of being beautiful I did find some great tips toward gaining a better personal perspective. Steps like; self-talk, smiling, being kind to others and exercise.  My hope is that as we head into some great meetings this month & learn the importance of being Happy, maybe, just maybe, we will start heading in the right direction too!  Knowing the answers to these tough questions AND believing them ourselves!

    JUNE Theme:  GET HAPPY!

    Get Happy Award

    All of our meetings this month will be  hands-on with reflections and activities  that  will help us Get Happy!  Losing  weight isn’t just about what foods enter  our mouths.  Our day to day lives,  complete with stress levels, all have an  effect on our weight loss.  We’re training  our skills associated with happiness so that  we can make better choices & have better health!  Be in our meeting rooms & join us as we get HAPPY!  Remember if you attend 10 of 12 weeks this summer you will earn your Get Happy Charm!


    Last Week:     ”GET HAPPY”

    We might think happiness will be our reward for all the hard work we’ve poured into making lifestyle changes & losing weight.  But, if we focus on nourishing our Happiness - we’re more likely to reach our personal goals!  In our meeting we reflected on what makes us truly happy.  What does being happy feel like for you?  How can you hold onto that feeling?  Learning what makes us truly happy can help us create more happiness in our lives.



    This week we will focus on one of the skills that can help us cultivate happiness in our lives.  Mindfulness is used by people from all walks of life (athletes, performers, the next door neighbor) to “stay in the moment” and focus on what they want to achieve.  Instead of dwelling in the past or staring into the future – let’s stay in the Now!  With a little practice, we can all be more mindful!

    Can Meditation Help You Lose Weight? Meditation can be relaxing but can sitting and breathing help you lose weight?  Check out this article and decide for yourself!

    Candies:       $1.50
    Smoothies:   $4.95
    Original Active Link:  $5.00

    You saw right!  The completely waterproof original Active Link is $5 through June 20.

    $5 monthly subscription fee & $5 product purchase needed


    Do you feel unmotivated?  Struggling with staying on plan? You're not alone!  Find a workshop that fits your schedule!
    ·         June 20, 10:30-11:30am ~ North Aurora
    ·         June 25,  6:30-7:30pm ~ Geneva

    Need help using your WW app or digital tools on your tablets?  Bring your smart phones or tablets with the app downloaded and be ready to learn some great tricks and tips!
    ·         June 27, 10:30am North Aurora

    Let’s Clap the Big Hands!
    Celebrate the Scale & those Non Scale Victories too!
    Barbara In the Dress!

    This week I want to give a big shout out to Barbara from our Geneva Friday morning meeting.  A year ago Barbara was invited to a wedding where she planned on wearing a red dress that she loved!  She knew that the dress was a little small but thought she could lose the weight in time.  Sadly, she had to buy a new dress for the wedding.  BUT, now after joining WW and losing 30# she came smiling into the meeting room this week WEARING the RED DRESS!  Talk about what make us Happy!  Barbara was beaming and the group rallied around her in celebration too!  We are all so proud of you Barbara,  and are excited to be a part of your journey as you make it closer to your goal!  Bravo!!! Here is a picture of her in the 2nd dress at the wedding and 30 pounds lighter strutting her stuff!

    (if you’d like to share your success, post under comments or let me know you’d like to be added in the blog)

    Quote of the Week:
    by Martha Washington

    This newsletter is and the views shared are not affiliated with weight watchers international, inc.  It is meant to be a motivational tool.

    Tuesday, June 9, 2015


    Sautéed Peach Crisp
    Servings: 1
    Points Plus Values: 3
    Prep Time: 7 minutes
    Cook Time: 4 Minutes!

    1 Spray of Cooking Spray
    1 large peach thinly sliced
    2 tsp dark brown sugar, unpacked
    1 Tbsp low fat ready to eat granola cereal

    1. Spray a small nonstick skillet with cooking spray and set over medium heat.
    2.  Add peach slices; cook, stirring often, until softened, about 2 minutes.
    3.  Add brown sugar; stir until sugar melts and begins to bubble, about 2 minutes.
    4.  Scrape peach mixture into a small bowl; top with granola.

    Serving Size: ¾ Cup

    Weight Watchers POINTS PLUS
     = 3
    Unless you top with your favorite ice cream!  Then add points according to the nutrition label!