Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Where has all the Quicksand gone?
courtesy of borysSNORC.com
Remember old cartoons, T.V shows & movies always had scenes that included quicksand?  Where the hero is running to catch the villain only to be stopped when getting stuck in a random area of quicksand.  Dynasty, Batman, Get Smart, Princess Bride, Fantasy Island, Gilligan’s Island, Adventures of Black Beauty and heck even the Simpsons had an episode involving this plot.  As huge of a plot this was in the 60’s-90’s it seems to have disappeared from modern cinema.  Maybe audiences got smart & realized quicksand couldn’t be smack dab in the middle of Gotham City …. Oh well. It doesn’t really matter because I’m afraid it is still very much alive in the world of Weight Watchers.
Quicksand Cinema
We are like the Hero running toward our goals, in the “zone” so to speak and all of a sudden we realize we stepped in quicksand!  The Quicksand of Instant Gratification!  Picture this, we are driving down Randall Rd and begin to crave one of the many delicious choices we see.  We don’t realize were in up to our ankles.  The struggle of yes or no – good or bad bounces around our heads until we are in up to our waists!   We need FRIES right away!  We pull through the nearest fast food drive thru & meet that craving.  The fries taste great but Gee Wiz now I feel like such a failure.  Since my mindset is so in the dumps of course the next time I “NEED” anything I just give in; since I had the fries and already “blew” it.  I THINK there is no longer hope for today ~ And swoosh - we sink! 
Why do we fall for this head game?  In, Find Your Fingerprint the author, Elizabeth Josefsberg, suggests it’s because when we work hard we don’t instantly see the benefits.  “You make that difficult decision now (you say no to the donuts) and perhaps a few days or weeks down the line you see the benefit of that choice (your pants are less tight).  That is long after you have forgotten about that good choice.” 
Can you relate to that?  You track every bite that enters your mouth and workout 4 times a week yet the scale only drops a few tenths of a pound.  Or in reverse too.  If I give in to that instant gratification temptation a few times in a week I MAY not see that on the scale for a week or so either.  Thus reinforcing it is more FUN to be BAD!  What would happen if when I ate the donut it INSTANTLY showed up on my right butt cheek for the whole world to see?  Hehe! Let’s just say I may be out of a job. J  But, since it doesn’t, we need to use other tools to avoid caving in the middle of an instant gratification moment!  Saying no isn’t easy in a world that hands us food at every turn.  I agree, but it can be done!  We just need to remember that it doesn’t make sense for quicksand to be in the middle of Randall Road, then get the heck out of my journey too!  I’ve got goals for goodness sake!
What tips have helped you in these moments of temptation?  Please share these non scale victories here, on FB or in your meetings.  The power of the group and the knowledge we share together is what keeps us going!  I may not think quick enough in the moment of sinking to come up with a way out but if you have had success in the past with that same situation it may just be the random vine dangling over my pit that I can use to pull myself back out before sinking any deeper! 
Find Your Fingerprint Page 129

Here's a few tips listed in the Fingerprint Book; let's look at these deeper at the Struggling Member Workshop in August but for now try a few of her suggested tips:

1.     Make a Promise – You can have this food later.  Just not this second.
2.     Put it on Delay – If later just won’t do it for you then what if you allow yourself that treat in 10 minutes.  If you still want it then – have it.
3.     Distract Yourself - what are ways to do that?
4.     Pick up the phone- It’s always with us now days anyway.  Call your friend and catch up.  Bet you will forget about that ice cream!


We are well on our way to happy!  This month’s theme is designed to help us take control of our journeys to healthier, happier living with practical solutions.  By the end of the month we will feel empowered though our actions and positive choices! 



Expressing gratitude is not only polite, it has health benefits too!  We talked in our meetings about what we are grateful for.  Taking a short amount of time to get into that gratitude groove will help you see the little things that make your life sweeter, easier and more joyful!  Which by the way helps us Get Happy!


We all came to W.W. because we wanted to lose weight, but our weight doesn’t define us.  This week we uncover how taking care of ourselves holistically – including doing things just because we enjoy them – can in fact be key to lasting success.  What are nonfood pleasures for you? How do you fit in “me” time? What is it you do during that time that leaves you rejuvenated?  Join us this week and get ideas for yourself or come share and be another members inspiration! 

What’s Happening This Week!

Water Enhancers:       $3.95
Smoothies:   $4.95
Mini Bars:  $4.95
Oatmeal:  $4.95


Do you feel unmotivated?  Struggling with staying on plan? You're not alone!  This month we focus on how our thoughts get in our way!  Join us as we correct the negative thoughts. 
·         Aug 5,  9-10am ~ Geneva Store

Let’s Clap the Big Hands!
Celebrate the Scale & those Non Scale Victories too!
This week I wish I had a picture of all the Saturday members that went to meetings on Friday!  I was in Geneva where one meeting only had 4 Friday members!  The rest were all from Saturday!  And Aurora’s Friday meeting had 90 people in attendance with Laura!  WOO – HOOO!  You guys Rock!  Not giving in to the temptation of your meeting being closed and taking a week off is a huge success!  The hands are being clapped!  Can you hear them

(if you’d like to share your success, post under comments or let me know you’d like to be added in the blog)

Quote of the Week:

by Liz Josefsberg

“Fun and amazing moments in life do not get any better with food.  Beware of thinking that more food means more fun”

This newsletter is and the views shared are not affiliated with weight watchers international, inc.  It is meant to be a motivational tool.

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