Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Love my body?  Do people actually do that?
I stand in front of you each week so y’all know that I have gained some weight this year.  I hate it.  I get embarrassed and feel like a hypocrite sometimes.  I am still a Weight Watcher but with some of the “Life” stuff going on it can be hard to stay focused.  It’s hard for me to even type and admit this to you now - but I can - because YOU all are MY support system too!
I went to the doctor this month & was told “I’m just getting older” is that something that is true or is this just another excuse that society gives us to accept our bodies?  I don’t know if I want to weigh what I did when I first reached my WW goal (maybe a little of me does but that was also 3 kids ago) See another reason/excuse.  She also told me that once you hit a certain age, woman need to watch their sugars and move more.  It’s not just about diet anymore at this ageHow old does she think I am?!  But she is right.  When I first hit my goal in 2006 I didn’t have to exercise to keep my weight off.  I moved for fun, had cheat weekends and could still show up at my Thursday meeting safely in my lifetime range.  Almost 10 years later I can’t do that anymore.  When I do – it shows.  Its showing. 
Then this week’s topic of Body Gratitude; when I have a love/hate relationship with mine.  I literally fell through one of my pool chairs this week!  Embarrassing!  Until, I spent some time thinking about all the things I appreciate about my body…I realized that I actually respect it!  Still hard to say I love it, but I am amazed by it! This body has climbed mountains, hiked ruins, para sailed, learned to run!, given birth, seen sights I didn’t know existed, heard roaring from oceans, listened to symphonies, smelled, tasted and touched so many things!  It has been a temple that I have taken for granted.  I don’t always respect it – I put crap in it and expect it to do miracles.  I look in the mirror and criticize it for its wrinkles, roles, veins and bumps.   But when I am grateful for this body I have I start to treat it in a whole new way.  I make better choices for it.  I stop talking bad to it.

She's a T
A few months ago my friend Jen (she’s mentioned again below in the recipe section) wrote a post about being that overweight chubby kid in grade school horrified on track day of having to compete with her fellow students.  Wishing she could go back to that little girl and show her what kind of woman she is now!  Jen just competed in a Tri-Athlon gosh darn it! She is a serious butt kicker that’s lost 216# on W.W.!  Wowza! 
Thinking of that post this week reminded me that when I am frustrated and say/think negative thoughts about this body of mine; what if I had to say them out loud to the grade school version of myself?  Better yet, what if I said those thoughts to my daughters and sons? “You’re so ugly.  Your legs are like tree trunks!  Look at all that cellulite!  You have cankles!  Look at that double chin, flabby arms, tummy roll…do I need to keep going?  Probably not.  I don’t think any of us would say those hurtful words to others so we need to stop saying them to ourselves!
So this week when I am frustrated with some part of my body I will not turn to food!  This is the time to do something great for my body!  I will thank it by accepting compliments, I will go for a walk, eat less processed foods, try that yoga class I have wanted to try and begin to accept that this woman, of that particular age, can learn to love the body I’m in.  Flaws and all. 
I will always have gratitude for my body
I will have a healthy body image
I will always love my body no matter what
I am beginning to accept myself more and more
I am beginning to feel content with the way I look
I am becoming happier with my body
Each day I look and feel better
My self-acceptance is beginning to change the way other people see me
I am overcoming negativity and building a positive attitude towards myself
I am finding it easier to feel confident in the way I look
~Shared by Tom, a fellow W.W. Leader

Check out Jen’s Blog: www.suchafunnyfat.blogspot.com
Or this inspiring article on woman looking in the mirror at a local mall.  http://www.upworthy.com/these-ladies-arent-happy-with-their-reflection-but-then-the-mirror-tells-the-truth


July was centered on the idea that finding our focus will empower us.  All month long we’ve worked on making actionable, positive choices that lead us to getting happy.  How have you directed your focus to a specific change and how has it impacted you?  What choices have you made this month that has helped you Get Happy? #FindYourFocus 



How often do you wish for more hours in a day?  Ever said if only I had 25 hours…..”  While more time can’t be created, we can be mindful about how we spend our time and ensure that we’re getting what we really want out of our days.  What is stealing your time?  Is there a strategy to help you find your focus and get that time back?  Be sure to share in our meeting this week what worked and what didn’t – you never know whom you’re going to inspire!


Image shared from MollysFund.org
When it comes to physical appearance, most people are quick to find the negative aspects but when asked to find positive with regard to their body…uhm…!  Negative self-talk could very well be holding us back in achieving what we really want.  The good news is that if the negative self-talk can have that big of an effect, so can positive talk!  How we think and talk about our bodies has a profound impact on how we feel about ourselves - so this week we will unlock positive, supportive, beliefs in order to pave the way towards success and LOVING your body! 

What’s Happening This Week!
You’re almost there!  The charms are in and waiting to be placed on your charm holders for attending meetings this summer during your busy schedules!  You put yourself first in order to earn that bling – don’t stop now!   

ALL ACTIVITY TOOLS!  DVD’s, weights, pedometers, yoga mats, active links and Fit Bits oh my!  If it helps us move it’s probably on sale! 


Are you sabotaging yourself with Negative Thoughts?  Do you feel unmotivated?  Struggling with staying on plan? You're not alone!  This month we focus on how our thoughts get in our way!

·         Aug 5,  9-10am ~ Geneva Store


My great friend and fellow leader Jen (w/ one N – so lazy, right? Just write that extra N! J) allowed my family to share her vegetable farm box this week, while she was on vacation!  Wow!  What a neat idea, you share the harvest of a local organic farm a specific amount of weeks with other families, (thus splitting the cost)  We arrived at the host home where a garage full of boxes were waiting.  I grabbed the box and went home to see what was inside! 

Most of you know that this is a little out of my comfort zone.  Veggies are often drunk in smoothies or chopped finely into sauces – it’s awful I know.  Someday I will be struck by lightning from the WW gods saying that!  However, it was fun washing, chopping and searching recipes for the items we brought home.  And, I confess; I did have to text a picture of one or two things to Jen because I simply had no idea what it was!  Hence your recipe this week.  Fennel!  Have you ever seen Fennel!  Of course you have because you’re all perfect Weight Watchers that try new veggies every week!  Right?! Wink Wink!

Fennel is a unique vegetable that looks like a cross between a celery and an onion.  But it doesn’t taste like either.  It smelled like black licorice which was hard for me to get past – so I grilled it instead of eating it raw like Jen suggested.  By grilling it it took on a sweeter, more herbal flavor.  Btw I used my grill pan on the stove because the mosquitoes were so bad Sunday night!
Points Plus Values:  2
Servings: 1

·        1 Fennel (I had one but if your cooking for more than yourself you will want more)
·        2 tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Here’s where the points come from)
·        Chopped Garlic
·        1 Lemon
·        Tomato (again cooking for myself I used 1)
·        Sea Salt & Pepper per your taste

1.      Cut off the bottom of your fennel bulb and trim off the stems. (There are things you can do with the stems but I just fed them to my bunny)
2.    Cut the bulb in half lengthwise.  Then into wedges.  My fennel did this naturally for me, like an onion.
3.     Slice your tomato into wedges also.
4.    In a bowl I made a marinade of olive oil, squeezed the juice from the lemon, and chopped garlic.
5.     Heat up your grill pan & spray with nonstick cooking spray.  
6.     I dropped my veggies into the marinade bowl until they were coated.  Then placed them on the grill pan.  You could put the lemon on there too if you like!
7.     Turn the heat to medium and let cook until tender, almost translucent.  This was about 10 minutes for me.  I flipped them occasionally.
8.     Salt and pepper while grilling or use any other season you may like!
9.     Once done I just ate them!  It was so good.  I had used a Roma Tomato so I started to imagine it served over pasta and tossing it in the marinade like a cold salad… Maybe next time!  Bon Appetit!

Let’s Clap the Big Hands!
Celebrate the Scale & those Non Scale Victories too!

These ladies are walking on Wednesday nights at 7pm.  They have started going short distances and times but are hoping to be walking a 5k by September!  If you are interested in starting one after your meetings just say the word.  It would be great to wear your walking shoes to your meeting and then take off after we are done.  These ladies are having a great time getting to know each other and are looking for more group members.  If this sounds like a group you want to be a part of just show up on Wednesdays at the N. Aurora Center.  They’d love to have you!

You Ladies Rock!

(if you’d like to share your success, post under comments or let me know you’d like to be added in the blog)

Quote of the Week:
by Dr. Maxwell Maltz

This newsletter is and the views shared are not affiliated with weight watchers international, inc.  It is meant to be a motivational tool.

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