Sunday, December 27, 2015

Holiday Goals 2015


True Confessions of an Imperfect Weight Watcher Leader

Dec. 22, 2015

Weight:  +.8


I had an “ah ha” moment this last week as I was scrolling through my past weight history.  Sadly, I found that I have a habit that I seem to fall into somewhere between Thanksgiving and New Year’s.  And like many habits it is not one that I am proud of.  I found that as far back as 2009 I gain 7 pounds during that time of year!  SEVEN!  You think that’s the bad part….Nope.  The really bad habit is that some years like in 2015 it took me till May to get it off!!  That’s 5 months!
Here’s what I know.  So far this month I have not gained seven pounds yet I have no doubt that I could still do it.  Especially looking at all the eating events in my near future.  If you attended a meeting of mine after my ah ha moment you heard that I was giving myself until Saturday afternoon to decide what my weight goals were for the rest of the year.  I could be ok with gaining 7 or less, try to maintain or do I want a loss?  No matter what I picked I knew that I did not want to take 5 months to take it off.  I also realize that with the launch of Beyond the Scale that my weight isn’t the only measure of my success during the rest of the year but we are Weight Watchers for goodness sake and with my past blaring at me in black and white I think this goal needs to be weight/scale related.

I opened my calendar, (and on the advice of a member) looked at the weather too!  Tried to decide what was sustainable and what was I willing to do then asked myself these 4 questions:

This list is what I have members ask themselves when they need to set a short do-able goal to kick start their motivation.  I am going to list them with my responses.  Not so that you can follow my plan but you can see how to really push yourself in your thought & goal process. 

1.   What do you want to see happen in the next week?  Let’s adjust that to: What do I want to see related to my weight from now till the end of the year?  I will be ok with a gain of 2 pounds.  Not necessarily a pound a week but by January 2 I do not want to weigh more than 2 pounds more than I did on Saturday when I weighed in.

2.   What needs to happen in order to reach that goal? 

What needs to happen is that if it is not raining I need to try to walk.  Either around the stores, my house or outside.  I also need to be sure that I do not use any of my weekly allowance points on days that are just “normal” days.  Shopping does not mean I hit drive thru’s and spend SmartPoints on fancy tea drinks that don’t fit into my daily target.  I also don’t want to track at the big parties like Christmas Eve, Day, New Year’s Eve, & Day!  BUT, the rest of the days I am going to have to stay within my daily points or those 2 pounds will easily be the 7 I am trying to avoid.

3.   Can I do it?

I think so? I mean YES – this is part of my accountability.  You all ask me on 1.2.16 if I reached my goal!

4.   Will I do it? (if the answer is no it doesn't mean you are a "bad" weight watcher; it just means go back to question #1 and start over) YES!

What about you?  Have you given any thought to how you want to end the year?  Have you looked at your calendar and seen all the events coming up that may help or hinder your goals?  Don’t forget those non-events like running around shopping all day.  Those times can hurt more than the scheduled parties!  Ask yourself what it is you want by the end of the year and what it will take to get it.  It may be like me & be related to the scale or it could be fitness or me time! It’s your story – what does the Holiday Chapter look like?

Let’s Clap the Big Hands!

Celebrate the Scale & those Non Scale Victories too!

I want to celebrate all of you that have attended 6 of the 8 weeks between thanksgiving & New Years.  You got your All About Me charms and are WW most dedicated members!  Willing to take 30 minutes out of your busy schedules to check in and get closer toward your goals!

Keep celebrating with us!  Your accomplishments matter!  Whether Scale related or Beyond!

(if you’d like to share your success, let me know you’d like to be added in the blog)

What’s Happening…

I received an email a few weeks ago from a company called The Right Cup.  This product was created by a man that didn’t like the taste of water.  (Sound familiar to any of you?)  When he turned 30 he learned that he was diabetic and needed to remove sugary beverages from his diet.  Not liking water this proved to be a challenge.  So after much research, trial & error he learned that our sense of taste was directly related to our sense of smell!
Based on this knowledge & further research he set forth to invent the first ever fruit flavored cup that would get people drinking more water!  Himself included!  Soon the Right Cup was born!  The idea sounded too good to be true so I asked to try it for myself.
The actual Cup will be out in early 2016 so I was sent a prototype.  A Natural Lemon tip that kinda looks like a small straw.  My family and parents all took turns this past week trying it out.  I have to say since I like water I had a hard time thinking I was drinking something other than water but my youngest children all thought I had made lemonade.  My mom thought it smelled too strong, my dad thought it was pretty cool and the rest of my family really liked the idea of it!  I think the Right Cup will be a huge success and hopefully will reach its goal of decreasing our nation’s consumption of sugary beverages! 
Please check out their YouTube video and story Facebook or google it.  It is really amazing how this all natural product will help reduce obesity as well as help reduce the use of plastic water bottles.  Let me know what you think!  I am pretty excited to be a part of this & can’t wait to try other flavors this spring!
Ill bring the sample with me this week to Weight Watchers if anyone would like to get a better idea of what this product will be like in the very near future.  Maybe we can even put in a pre-order J
 The Right Cup This link will allow you to read more info about this new & upcoming product
Quote of the Week:
This newsletter is and the views shared are not affiliated with weight watchers international, inc.  It is meant to be a motivational tool.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tasty Tuesday Recipe

Recipe Of The Day:

Weight Watchers take on this classic treat with a light graham cracker crust.  The filling’s custardy and rich with just a hint of spice!

Servings:  8
PPV:  5
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time:  65 minutes
Other:  30 minutes

·        3 oz. reduced-fat cinnamon graham crackers, about 5 ½ sheets
·        1 Tbsp.  packed light brown sugar
·        2 Tbsp. regular butter, melted
·        2 large egg whites
·        1 large egg
·        ½ cup dark brown sugar
·        ¼ tsp table salt
·        2 tsp pumpkin pie spice, or less to taste
·        1 cup canned pumpkin
·        ½ cup fat free evaporated milk
·         ¼ cup lite whipped topping  


  1. Preheat oven to 375˚F. 
  2. Place graham crackers and light brown sugar in a food processor; process into crumbs and put in a small bowl.
  3. Add melted butter and combine with fingers into a course meal.  Distribute crumbs evenly on the bottom and up sides of an ungreased 9 inch pie plate.  Chill for 30 minutes.
  4. Bake crust until golden, about 8-10 minutes; remove from oven and let cool.
  5. Meanwhile in a large bowl, use an electric mixer, whip egg whites until frothy; fold in egg, dark brown sugar, salt, pumpkin pie spice, canned pumpkin and evaporated milk.
  6. Beat pumpkin custard until smooth and pour into pie shell.  Bake until a knife inserted in center comes out clean, about 45-55 minutes. 
  7. Slice into 8 pieces, top each piece with ½ tablespoon of whipped topping and serve warm or at room temperature.
  8. Yields 1 piece per serving.

Monday, November 16, 2015


True Confessions of an Imperfect Weight Watcher Leader

Nov. 16, 2015
Weight:  -.2
How many times have I felt sorry for myself today: too embarrassing to admit
We woke up Sunday to find that the temperature inside our fridge was 69 degrees!  I am not sure when it stopped working. Last time I know it was good was when I made lunch on Friday.  Then the weekend got busy; we had funeral, b-day party and work & I guess we weren’t eating at home much.  So Sunday morning the stench and the thawed meat in the freezer meant a trip from the appliance repairman and a diagnosis of a dead fridge. 
Back up about 3 months ago- the freezer had stopped freezing and we had hired a different guy to fix it.  This man apparently put in a refurbished part, cut some corners, but got the freezer working.  I had no idea what he did.  I just knew my freezer worked and I was out a few hundred bucks.  Since the darn thing broke again I called a different company.  He comes out and tells me that I am missing a part.  That my compressor had wires that should be coming from it and for some reason they had been cut off.  Hmmm, and that the part that was previously replaced was a cheap knock off that in reality had probably killed my fridge.  I had been ripped off by a cruddy repairman.  Really?  Nothing else can be done?  Nope.  Without spending a ton of money my best option is to just start over.
Can I just whine for a minute more and tell you I had just shopped on Thursday and had to throw away a few hundred dollars’ worth of food. AHHHGGH!  Ok temper tantrum done. 
In the midst of my overwhelming morning I started to see the comparison of my refrigerator problems and my WW story.  I had been doing this journey since 2006 (or before if you count me growing up with a WW mom) and with very little change (until we were allowed fruit for zero points) and yet every so often the weight would try to creep back on.  Whenever that weight piled on I would just go back to the beginning and start fresh.  Remember week one?  I pulled out my scale, kept my tracker close, used my measuring spoons, ate off smaller plates, got in my steps, you get it right?   Went to the basics until the weight got back in check.  However, after almost ten years of this I started to make a few tweaks......  I decided I was smart enough to make repairs to the plan on my own.  Pshh WW nutrition and research teams.  I’m actually living this.  I know my body.  I am a WW leader for goodness sake. 
So I tweaked, cut some corners, took out the parts I didn’t want to do and tried it my way.   The Jenn version of W.W.  Some weeks my way worked.  Some weeks my way didn’t do anything but make me gain weight (those weeks were never my fault) How crazy am I that I thought I was smarter than a company that has been successful for 52 years!  Smarter than a research team of medical nutritionists? OMG! I realized I was the Crappy Repairman!  I am that guy that came to my house this summer.  I put in a cheap alternative, removed a part I didn’t think I needed anymore and felt pretty proud of myself.  For a while anyway.  Pretty soon the tricks started to fail and my manipulations got so tired that there was nothing else to do but give up and start over.  The gimmicks were dead. 
I can complain and I can whine but the bottom line is I need to fix what I broke. I may not like it but heck I know that when I kinda do the program it kinda works.  And when I work the program it really works.  So WHY do I try to fight it?   
It’s time to fire the Crappy Repairman and get to work.  R.I.P. “Jenn’s Version of WW” Anyone else with me? 


What new shopping strategy did you choose?  How did it go in the supermarket? 
After having conquered the supermarket, we are now going to find ways to get us to and away from the Thanksgiving dinner table. Feeling relaxed, in control and proud of our choices!  At this food focused event (or events) a little advanced planning and a few Points Plus calculations can do wonders!  Let's leave the holiday still feeling proud or our health & weight loss goals.

What’s Happening…
Fitness equipment: $9.95

This month we are looking at how we can PLAN TO SUCCEED.  How come we leave our meetings ramped up and ready for a successful week then mid-way through just throw in the towel?  Sound familiar?  If so join us as we strive together to develop a plan for overcoming those “bad days” that throw us off the wagon!
·         In South Elgin = Nov. 21, 11:30-12:30pm

Quote of the Week:
By Anne Ricci

This newsletter is and the views shared are not affiliated with weight watchers international, inc.  It is meant to be a motivational tool.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Still on the fence

True Confessions of an Imperfect Weight Watcher Leader

Nov. 4, 2015
Weight:  -1.2
Number of days I ate Halloween Candy: 4

Number of days I ate candy I don’t like:  4!
Last week I was so determined to pick a side of the fence (read last week’s blog if that doesn’t make sense) and stay in a highly motivated state that would continue to lead me to success, but that determination waned.  Specifically since Halloween.  Which is why I lost weight from last week but, unfortunately I didn’t make it past that.  Does that make me a failure?  Maybe.  Maybe not.
Here’s what I am learning.  Just because we say were going to do something doesn’t mean that we will be able to do IT 100% perfect all the time.  I had been on the fence for so long that it was pretty comfy there.  I knew how to “do my version” of WW from that spot atop the fence.  I could choose one side for a day or two as long as I hopped over to the other side for the other 5 days of the week.  Do you relate to this?  Eating whatever we want – feeling like a quote normal person and not tracking a bit of it!  Maybe that meant we walked a little more or took a class at the gym but the weight would be ok.  Then all of a sudden “My Plan” stopped working!  What the heck happened?!?  Ohhh, that’s right.  I had manipulated the program so long doing it MY WAY that I forgot what the program really required to be successful. 
When I started WW all those years ago I was excited and ready for a change.  I wanted success!  I stayed for my orientation for new members and left a little confused but I understood a few basic things I needed to do before the next weeks meeting.  I used my understanding of the program and followed it in its simplest state.  The longer I attended meetings the more I learned and eventually I felt confident in how all the parts worked together.  Slowly I was adding more and more to what my plan looked like.  Sounds good right?  But this is also the time when I get cocky and think I can do this on my own.  I can take the weekends off.  I can eat out and not look up points.  This is when I started gaining weight and not losing as easily as when I began.  This is when the motivation starts to dwindle and I decide that WW is no longer working.  Have you thought those thoughts with me?  Do you relate?  Guess what?  The program works when I work it.  I don’t have to be perfect but I have to be willing to make changes in order to see the changes I want.  How crazy am I to think I can continue doing what is not working and still think I can get the success I want? 
When I enrolled in college I wasn’t shocked that I had homework or needed to study before exams.  When I started working I wasn’t surprised that there were rules I needed to follow in order for my boss & coworkers to think I was a valuable asset to the team.  Why then do I fight the fact that losing weight is hard?  That in order to keep my weight off, to stay happy, healthy and confident in THIS body I may – just may, have to put in an effort! 

At the beginning of this blog I asked if I was a failure.  I have decided NO.  If I am willing to learn from even the worst of weeks then I am on the right track.  If I stayed sitting on that fence then I answer in a different way, but failing is not determined by one decision, one action or even one candy bar.  Come along with me this week as I become a private investigator of my life.  I will be looking to see when it is that I am derailed from my goals.  Is it the same challenge week after week or is it a daily challenge?  What behavior is keeping me on the fence?  Is it out of Habit? Comfort?  Do I tend to self-sabotage?  Once we find the answers to these questions we can take steps toward change.   Don’t let me kid you.  Change is hard.  Learning something new can be challenging.  Making a new habit takes time and effort but I have come to the realization that I am worth it!  I want to get off the fence no matter how weird it feels.  I may not be able to do it alone.  I may need to ask you for help and accountability.  But I am done whining about where I am; if I am unwilling to try & change it.  What about you?

Let’s Clap the Big Hands!
Celebrate the Scale & those Non Scale Victories too!

I want to recognize the 80+ people that came to the Weight Watcher 5K!

Many of our walkers!
This past Sunday we had men, women, children and dogs come walk with us in Geneva!  I was overwhelmed with the large number of you that gave up your Sunday afternoon to do something good for your health!  It may or may not help the scale this week but I think we can all attest that we felt great when we finished.  The sun was shining.  We were choosing health and activity over sitting on the couch!  Yay!  Many members also donated their left over Halloween candy.  42 pounds of candy will be sent to our service men and women. 

It was such a great success that we will be adding another walk in the spring.
Great job everyone

Keep celebrating with us!  Your accomplishments matter!  Whether Scale related or Beyond!
(if you’d like to share your success, let me know you’d like to be added in the blog)


Our lives are rich & exciting AND full of obstacles!  Knowing exactly where our biggest challenges are allows us to strategize ways to overcome them.  What Ah Ha moments did you have this week?  Did you have to make changes to your environment at all?  Finding ways to overcome our daily environments now will set us up for control during the holiday months. 

We are continuing the Nutrition 101 series by exploring healthier alternatives & tasty food swaps that remain satisfying while reducing our daily consumption of saturated fats and added sugars!  This is one meeting you will not want to miss with the holidays around the corner! 

   We are updating our website!  Over the next few weeks several changes will begin to trickle in.  Stay on the look out! 

What’s Happening…
Fitness equipment: $9.95
Water enhancers:  $1 off

This month we are looking at how we can PLAN TO SUCCEED.  How come we leave our meetings ramped up and ready for a successful week then mid-way through just throw in the towel?  Sound familiar?  If so join us as we strive together to develop a plan for overcoming those “bad days” that throw us off the wagon!
·         In N. Aurora = Nov. 14, 11:00am - 12:00pm
·         In South Elgin = Nov. 21, 11:30-12:30pm


Click on the link below to open this tasty W.W. recipe!  In line with this weeks meeting topic here is a recipe with less saturated fats and added sugars!  A quick and easy way to add protein would be to add some beans (like garbanzo) or some chicken breast.  Both would add only a few extra points per serving and would give an extra satisfying punch! 

PPV:  3

Quote of the Week:

This newsletter is and the views shared are not affiliated with weight watchers international, inc.  It is meant to be a motivational tool.

Monday, October 26, 2015

True Confessions of an Imperfect Weight Watcher Leader

October 26, 2015
Weight:  0.0 stayed the same
Number of FULL days I tracked last week:  2

Number of days I left my Fitbit on the charger & forgot to wear it:  3!
Number of weeks I missed writing the Blog: 2 or 3…yikes!
I started faltering a few weeks ago.  Although I have been fairly maintaining my weight I feel like I am straddling an imaginary fence.  Half in the program this month & half out.  Eating within my points but not choosing healthy options.  Like there is part of me that is ok with skipping dinner if I reach my daily points by 3pm since I ate an apple, a lettuce wrap and an entire bag of Brownie Brittle.  Yes I was starving but the half of me that is still not wanting to give up says “you did this to yourself – no complaining!” 
With that said I think that it’s good that “SHE” is still hanging on and that the other voice, the voice that says “you ate a BAG of brownie brittle just eat what you want, the day is already shot” isn’t louder or stronger.  However, what I have learned these past 2 weeks is that these 2 voices are in a tie right now and I need one to win.    
There is even a verse in the Bible that says you can’t serve 2 masters because our allegiance can really only belong to just one.  We can’t have it both ways.  We can’t be double minded.  If we continue to straddle the fence we can’t grow.  I realize this is in regards to spiritual growth but I am starting to see the relevance in Weight Watchers as well.
I think that is what I have been doing for the past few weeks.  I am saying I am a WW but living, eating, tracking, planning, shopping in a way that doesn’t show it.  Even as I type this I am afraid of what some of you are thinking that I mentioned the Bible. I am afraid that some of you will not want a WW leader with this poor attitude.  Yet, since this is the part of the blog that is mine and about me I feel that I need to continue being transparent with you …. And myself.  There is power in writing it down. I say this in the meeting often.  Well it works here too.  My writing/typing puts it out there.  It holds me accountable.  It makes me admit my faults.  The good, the bad, and the ugly. Hmmm…maybe that is why I put off writing the past few weeks.  Maybe deep down I didn’t want to see and admit what I am doing.
Now what?  It’s Monday, the start of a new week.  I didn’t track all weekend but today I have tracked every bite lick and taste and I did squats with my exercise ball in-between Chats this morning.  See me there on the fence?  I actually am picturing myself on a split rail fence, just like the ones in my grandparent’s yard when I was little.  I’m sitting on the top with a leg on each side and my feet resting on the rail below.  It’s beautiful there on that fence.  Both sides of the yard look inviting.  The side to my right is filled with healthy foods, activity and feeling of confidence in my clothes.  Happy too.  But I also see that it takes time.  Sometimes it can be hard.  Will it be too much for me to do?  Can I do it?
I glance to the other side & it looks pretty great too.  Yummy delicious treats, large heaping portions, it seems easy & relaxing.  The good life right?  But, if I squint I also see me in a body that I remember not liking.  Feeling tired, unattractive and sad. 
Which side will win?  Which side will I choose?  This is up to me.  I can’t have it both ways right?  What about you?  Are you on a fence on your journey?  Does one side hold your allegiance? 
I plan on picturing myself there each morning and making a conscious choice of picking a side and committing to it for the day.  I may have to picture myself getting off the fence and committing to a side.  Heck, I may need to picture this before each meal!  No side is right or wrong.  But one side needs to hold truth and identity for you.  So get off the fence with me!  I hope we are on the winning side!  Together I know we can do it! 

Let’s Clap the Big Hands!
Celebrate the Scale & those Non Scale Victories too! 2 great Success Stories this week from 2 amazing women!


CATHY from N. Aurora!  
Cathy has had much success over the past few months!  Both at the Scale and Beyond!  Cathy lives around the corner from her mom Carol and yet she always drove her car to visit her.  Not only is she walking to her mom’s now but when she gets there they go walking together!  They started with short distances and gradually have gone farther.  Isn’t that awesome?  Great job ladies! 
But that’s not all.  Not only is Cathy walking but she recently reached her 10% goal and then this past week reached a loss of over 30# !!  Celebrate and “Clap the Hands” with us as we celebrate Cathy!   


THEA from Geneva
Thea has been literally melting away weight since adding the WW personal coach to her program!  This week she came is celebrating BEFORE she stepped on the scale because she was wearing pair of size 22 pants that have been too small for over 2 years! Then after weighing in she realized she has lost 29.2# as well!  Keep being amazing Thea!

Keep celebrating with us!  Your accomplishments matter!  Whether Scale related or Beyond!
(if you’d like to share your success, let me know you’d like to be added in the blog)


A minute here, 5 there, 10 minutes anywhere can pump up your activity and help you fit in fitness.  We discussed turning down time into up time in our meeting: ways to use the times we may not be getting in any activity to active minutes.  Did you have any Ah Ha moments? You can reap more energy, soothe away stress and improve your mood if you fit in fitness.  Did you find the time this week?  I hope you did!  I did my “alphabet ball” while heating up my tea this morning. 

ACTION PLAN:  What activities did you put into your Activity Plan?  How are they working into your day?  Any changes that need to be made?

It’s not just the physical spaces we occupy at home or at work.  It includes people we spend time with, places we visit, ways we travel, situations we find ourselves in and so on and so forth.  Looking at all these aspects will give us the opportunity to come up with strategies to plan-proof our environment before we find ourselves there!  Meet with us this week and let’s try to get through one of the toughest environments; the Holidays, in a way that we can be proud of while remaining in line with our goals.

   Log into your eTools account by going to and entering your user name and password.  Hover the cursor over “My Tools” at the bottom of the list you will see Spaces and Routines.  Click on this option!
Spaces are all about getting action plans that help you manage your environment to make staying on track easier for you.  Routines are simple, daily tasks for you to try – you will be amazed at what an impact they have on your life.

What’s Happening…

This month we are looking at how we can PLAN TO SUCCEED.  How come we leave our meetings ramped up and ready for a successful week then mid-way through just throw in the towel?  Sound familiar?  If so join us as we strive together to develop a plan for overcoming those “bad days” that throw us off the wagon!

·         In Geneva = Nov. 4,  9:00 am – 10:00 am
·         In N. Aurora = Nov. 14, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm


  • Sunday, Nov. 1 at 2:00 pm 
Ever wanted to participate in a 5k?  If so grab the dog, grand-kids, neighbors or friends and let’s walk (or run) together!  This is a low key event that will allow us to get to know one another better, push our limits and enjoy the fleeting days of warm weather!  We will meet at the Geneva Center and walk through the neighborhood.  You can choose to turn around at the 1 mile marker (2 miles total) or do the complete loop for 3.2 miles (5k) ending up back at the center to receive some BLING for your WW Charm Holder and grab a bottle of water.  This is a FREE event just for the FUN of it!  Join us as we FIT IN FITNESS! 
By the way feel free to bring any leftover Halloween Candy.  We will be donating it to the troops!    

Quote of the Week:
~ Carla ~
Weight Watcher Trainer
She shared this at a training I attended this past week!

What goes on between your ears,
Will surely show up
on your REAR!

Makes you see the power of our thoughts doesn’t it?   
This newsletter is and the views shared are n