Sunday, December 27, 2015

Holiday Goals 2015


True Confessions of an Imperfect Weight Watcher Leader

Dec. 22, 2015

Weight:  +.8


I had an “ah ha” moment this last week as I was scrolling through my past weight history.  Sadly, I found that I have a habit that I seem to fall into somewhere between Thanksgiving and New Year’s.  And like many habits it is not one that I am proud of.  I found that as far back as 2009 I gain 7 pounds during that time of year!  SEVEN!  You think that’s the bad part….Nope.  The really bad habit is that some years like in 2015 it took me till May to get it off!!  That’s 5 months!
Here’s what I know.  So far this month I have not gained seven pounds yet I have no doubt that I could still do it.  Especially looking at all the eating events in my near future.  If you attended a meeting of mine after my ah ha moment you heard that I was giving myself until Saturday afternoon to decide what my weight goals were for the rest of the year.  I could be ok with gaining 7 or less, try to maintain or do I want a loss?  No matter what I picked I knew that I did not want to take 5 months to take it off.  I also realize that with the launch of Beyond the Scale that my weight isn’t the only measure of my success during the rest of the year but we are Weight Watchers for goodness sake and with my past blaring at me in black and white I think this goal needs to be weight/scale related.

I opened my calendar, (and on the advice of a member) looked at the weather too!  Tried to decide what was sustainable and what was I willing to do then asked myself these 4 questions:

This list is what I have members ask themselves when they need to set a short do-able goal to kick start their motivation.  I am going to list them with my responses.  Not so that you can follow my plan but you can see how to really push yourself in your thought & goal process. 

1.   What do you want to see happen in the next week?  Let’s adjust that to: What do I want to see related to my weight from now till the end of the year?  I will be ok with a gain of 2 pounds.  Not necessarily a pound a week but by January 2 I do not want to weigh more than 2 pounds more than I did on Saturday when I weighed in.

2.   What needs to happen in order to reach that goal? 

What needs to happen is that if it is not raining I need to try to walk.  Either around the stores, my house or outside.  I also need to be sure that I do not use any of my weekly allowance points on days that are just “normal” days.  Shopping does not mean I hit drive thru’s and spend SmartPoints on fancy tea drinks that don’t fit into my daily target.  I also don’t want to track at the big parties like Christmas Eve, Day, New Year’s Eve, & Day!  BUT, the rest of the days I am going to have to stay within my daily points or those 2 pounds will easily be the 7 I am trying to avoid.

3.   Can I do it?

I think so? I mean YES – this is part of my accountability.  You all ask me on 1.2.16 if I reached my goal!

4.   Will I do it? (if the answer is no it doesn't mean you are a "bad" weight watcher; it just means go back to question #1 and start over) YES!

What about you?  Have you given any thought to how you want to end the year?  Have you looked at your calendar and seen all the events coming up that may help or hinder your goals?  Don’t forget those non-events like running around shopping all day.  Those times can hurt more than the scheduled parties!  Ask yourself what it is you want by the end of the year and what it will take to get it.  It may be like me & be related to the scale or it could be fitness or me time! It’s your story – what does the Holiday Chapter look like?

Let’s Clap the Big Hands!

Celebrate the Scale & those Non Scale Victories too!

I want to celebrate all of you that have attended 6 of the 8 weeks between thanksgiving & New Years.  You got your All About Me charms and are WW most dedicated members!  Willing to take 30 minutes out of your busy schedules to check in and get closer toward your goals!

Keep celebrating with us!  Your accomplishments matter!  Whether Scale related or Beyond!

(if you’d like to share your success, let me know you’d like to be added in the blog)

What’s Happening…

I received an email a few weeks ago from a company called The Right Cup.  This product was created by a man that didn’t like the taste of water.  (Sound familiar to any of you?)  When he turned 30 he learned that he was diabetic and needed to remove sugary beverages from his diet.  Not liking water this proved to be a challenge.  So after much research, trial & error he learned that our sense of taste was directly related to our sense of smell!
Based on this knowledge & further research he set forth to invent the first ever fruit flavored cup that would get people drinking more water!  Himself included!  Soon the Right Cup was born!  The idea sounded too good to be true so I asked to try it for myself.
The actual Cup will be out in early 2016 so I was sent a prototype.  A Natural Lemon tip that kinda looks like a small straw.  My family and parents all took turns this past week trying it out.  I have to say since I like water I had a hard time thinking I was drinking something other than water but my youngest children all thought I had made lemonade.  My mom thought it smelled too strong, my dad thought it was pretty cool and the rest of my family really liked the idea of it!  I think the Right Cup will be a huge success and hopefully will reach its goal of decreasing our nation’s consumption of sugary beverages! 
Please check out their YouTube video and story Facebook or google it.  It is really amazing how this all natural product will help reduce obesity as well as help reduce the use of plastic water bottles.  Let me know what you think!  I am pretty excited to be a part of this & can’t wait to try other flavors this spring!
Ill bring the sample with me this week to Weight Watchers if anyone would like to get a better idea of what this product will be like in the very near future.  Maybe we can even put in a pre-order J
 The Right Cup This link will allow you to read more info about this new & upcoming product
Quote of the Week:
This newsletter is and the views shared are not affiliated with weight watchers international, inc.  It is meant to be a motivational tool.

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