Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Still on the fence

True Confessions of an Imperfect Weight Watcher Leader

Nov. 4, 2015
Weight:  -1.2
Number of days I ate Halloween Candy: 4

Number of days I ate candy I don’t like:  4!
Last week I was so determined to pick a side of the fence (read last week’s blog if that doesn’t make sense) and stay in a highly motivated state that would continue to lead me to success, but that determination waned.  Specifically since Halloween.  Which is why I lost weight from last week but, unfortunately I didn’t make it past that.  Does that make me a failure?  Maybe.  Maybe not.
Here’s what I am learning.  Just because we say were going to do something doesn’t mean that we will be able to do IT 100% perfect all the time.  I had been on the fence for so long that it was pretty comfy there.  I knew how to “do my version” of WW from that spot atop the fence.  I could choose one side for a day or two as long as I hopped over to the other side for the other 5 days of the week.  Do you relate to this?  Eating whatever we want – feeling like a quote normal person and not tracking a bit of it!  Maybe that meant we walked a little more or took a class at the gym but the weight would be ok.  Then all of a sudden “My Plan” stopped working!  What the heck happened?!?  Ohhh, that’s right.  I had manipulated the program so long doing it MY WAY that I forgot what the program really required to be successful. 
When I started WW all those years ago I was excited and ready for a change.  I wanted success!  I stayed for my orientation for new members and left a little confused but I understood a few basic things I needed to do before the next weeks meeting.  I used my understanding of the program and followed it in its simplest state.  The longer I attended meetings the more I learned and eventually I felt confident in how all the parts worked together.  Slowly I was adding more and more to what my plan looked like.  Sounds good right?  But this is also the time when I get cocky and think I can do this on my own.  I can take the weekends off.  I can eat out and not look up points.  This is when I started gaining weight and not losing as easily as when I began.  This is when the motivation starts to dwindle and I decide that WW is no longer working.  Have you thought those thoughts with me?  Do you relate?  Guess what?  The program works when I work it.  I don’t have to be perfect but I have to be willing to make changes in order to see the changes I want.  How crazy am I to think I can continue doing what is not working and still think I can get the success I want? 
When I enrolled in college I wasn’t shocked that I had homework or needed to study before exams.  When I started working I wasn’t surprised that there were rules I needed to follow in order for my boss & coworkers to think I was a valuable asset to the team.  Why then do I fight the fact that losing weight is hard?  That in order to keep my weight off, to stay happy, healthy and confident in THIS body I may – just may, have to put in an effort! 

At the beginning of this blog I asked if I was a failure.  I have decided NO.  If I am willing to learn from even the worst of weeks then I am on the right track.  If I stayed sitting on that fence then I answer in a different way, but failing is not determined by one decision, one action or even one candy bar.  Come along with me this week as I become a private investigator of my life.  I will be looking to see when it is that I am derailed from my goals.  Is it the same challenge week after week or is it a daily challenge?  What behavior is keeping me on the fence?  Is it out of Habit? Comfort?  Do I tend to self-sabotage?  Once we find the answers to these questions we can take steps toward change.   Don’t let me kid you.  Change is hard.  Learning something new can be challenging.  Making a new habit takes time and effort but I have come to the realization that I am worth it!  I want to get off the fence no matter how weird it feels.  I may not be able to do it alone.  I may need to ask you for help and accountability.  But I am done whining about where I am; if I am unwilling to try & change it.  What about you?

Let’s Clap the Big Hands!
Celebrate the Scale & those Non Scale Victories too!

I want to recognize the 80+ people that came to the Weight Watcher 5K!

Many of our walkers!
This past Sunday we had men, women, children and dogs come walk with us in Geneva!  I was overwhelmed with the large number of you that gave up your Sunday afternoon to do something good for your health!  It may or may not help the scale this week but I think we can all attest that we felt great when we finished.  The sun was shining.  We were choosing health and activity over sitting on the couch!  Yay!  Many members also donated their left over Halloween candy.  42 pounds of candy will be sent to our service men and women. 

It was such a great success that we will be adding another walk in the spring.
Great job everyone

Keep celebrating with us!  Your accomplishments matter!  Whether Scale related or Beyond!
(if you’d like to share your success, let me know you’d like to be added in the blog)


Our lives are rich & exciting AND full of obstacles!  Knowing exactly where our biggest challenges are allows us to strategize ways to overcome them.  What Ah Ha moments did you have this week?  Did you have to make changes to your environment at all?  Finding ways to overcome our daily environments now will set us up for control during the holiday months. 

We are continuing the Nutrition 101 series by exploring healthier alternatives & tasty food swaps that remain satisfying while reducing our daily consumption of saturated fats and added sugars!  This is one meeting you will not want to miss with the holidays around the corner! 

   We are updating our website!  Over the next few weeks several changes will begin to trickle in.  Stay on the look out! 

What’s Happening…
Fitness equipment: $9.95
Water enhancers:  $1 off

This month we are looking at how we can PLAN TO SUCCEED.  How come we leave our meetings ramped up and ready for a successful week then mid-way through just throw in the towel?  Sound familiar?  If so join us as we strive together to develop a plan for overcoming those “bad days” that throw us off the wagon!
·         In N. Aurora = Nov. 14, 11:00am - 12:00pm
·         In South Elgin = Nov. 21, 11:30-12:30pm


Click on the link below to open this tasty W.W. recipe!  In line with this weeks meeting topic here is a recipe with less saturated fats and added sugars!  A quick and easy way to add protein would be to add some beans (like garbanzo) or some chicken breast.  Both would add only a few extra points per serving and would give an extra satisfying punch! 

PPV:  3

Quote of the Week:

This newsletter is and the views shared are not affiliated with weight watchers international, inc.  It is meant to be a motivational tool.

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