Monday, October 26, 2015

True Confessions of an Imperfect Weight Watcher Leader

October 26, 2015
Weight:  0.0 stayed the same
Number of FULL days I tracked last week:  2

Number of days I left my Fitbit on the charger & forgot to wear it:  3!
Number of weeks I missed writing the Blog: 2 or 3…yikes!
I started faltering a few weeks ago.  Although I have been fairly maintaining my weight I feel like I am straddling an imaginary fence.  Half in the program this month & half out.  Eating within my points but not choosing healthy options.  Like there is part of me that is ok with skipping dinner if I reach my daily points by 3pm since I ate an apple, a lettuce wrap and an entire bag of Brownie Brittle.  Yes I was starving but the half of me that is still not wanting to give up says “you did this to yourself – no complaining!” 
With that said I think that it’s good that “SHE” is still hanging on and that the other voice, the voice that says “you ate a BAG of brownie brittle just eat what you want, the day is already shot” isn’t louder or stronger.  However, what I have learned these past 2 weeks is that these 2 voices are in a tie right now and I need one to win.    
There is even a verse in the Bible that says you can’t serve 2 masters because our allegiance can really only belong to just one.  We can’t have it both ways.  We can’t be double minded.  If we continue to straddle the fence we can’t grow.  I realize this is in regards to spiritual growth but I am starting to see the relevance in Weight Watchers as well.
I think that is what I have been doing for the past few weeks.  I am saying I am a WW but living, eating, tracking, planning, shopping in a way that doesn’t show it.  Even as I type this I am afraid of what some of you are thinking that I mentioned the Bible. I am afraid that some of you will not want a WW leader with this poor attitude.  Yet, since this is the part of the blog that is mine and about me I feel that I need to continue being transparent with you …. And myself.  There is power in writing it down. I say this in the meeting often.  Well it works here too.  My writing/typing puts it out there.  It holds me accountable.  It makes me admit my faults.  The good, the bad, and the ugly. Hmmm…maybe that is why I put off writing the past few weeks.  Maybe deep down I didn’t want to see and admit what I am doing.
Now what?  It’s Monday, the start of a new week.  I didn’t track all weekend but today I have tracked every bite lick and taste and I did squats with my exercise ball in-between Chats this morning.  See me there on the fence?  I actually am picturing myself on a split rail fence, just like the ones in my grandparent’s yard when I was little.  I’m sitting on the top with a leg on each side and my feet resting on the rail below.  It’s beautiful there on that fence.  Both sides of the yard look inviting.  The side to my right is filled with healthy foods, activity and feeling of confidence in my clothes.  Happy too.  But I also see that it takes time.  Sometimes it can be hard.  Will it be too much for me to do?  Can I do it?
I glance to the other side & it looks pretty great too.  Yummy delicious treats, large heaping portions, it seems easy & relaxing.  The good life right?  But, if I squint I also see me in a body that I remember not liking.  Feeling tired, unattractive and sad. 
Which side will win?  Which side will I choose?  This is up to me.  I can’t have it both ways right?  What about you?  Are you on a fence on your journey?  Does one side hold your allegiance? 
I plan on picturing myself there each morning and making a conscious choice of picking a side and committing to it for the day.  I may have to picture myself getting off the fence and committing to a side.  Heck, I may need to picture this before each meal!  No side is right or wrong.  But one side needs to hold truth and identity for you.  So get off the fence with me!  I hope we are on the winning side!  Together I know we can do it! 

Let’s Clap the Big Hands!
Celebrate the Scale & those Non Scale Victories too! 2 great Success Stories this week from 2 amazing women!


CATHY from N. Aurora!  
Cathy has had much success over the past few months!  Both at the Scale and Beyond!  Cathy lives around the corner from her mom Carol and yet she always drove her car to visit her.  Not only is she walking to her mom’s now but when she gets there they go walking together!  They started with short distances and gradually have gone farther.  Isn’t that awesome?  Great job ladies! 
But that’s not all.  Not only is Cathy walking but she recently reached her 10% goal and then this past week reached a loss of over 30# !!  Celebrate and “Clap the Hands” with us as we celebrate Cathy!   


THEA from Geneva
Thea has been literally melting away weight since adding the WW personal coach to her program!  This week she came is celebrating BEFORE she stepped on the scale because she was wearing pair of size 22 pants that have been too small for over 2 years! Then after weighing in she realized she has lost 29.2# as well!  Keep being amazing Thea!

Keep celebrating with us!  Your accomplishments matter!  Whether Scale related or Beyond!
(if you’d like to share your success, let me know you’d like to be added in the blog)


A minute here, 5 there, 10 minutes anywhere can pump up your activity and help you fit in fitness.  We discussed turning down time into up time in our meeting: ways to use the times we may not be getting in any activity to active minutes.  Did you have any Ah Ha moments? You can reap more energy, soothe away stress and improve your mood if you fit in fitness.  Did you find the time this week?  I hope you did!  I did my “alphabet ball” while heating up my tea this morning. 

ACTION PLAN:  What activities did you put into your Activity Plan?  How are they working into your day?  Any changes that need to be made?

It’s not just the physical spaces we occupy at home or at work.  It includes people we spend time with, places we visit, ways we travel, situations we find ourselves in and so on and so forth.  Looking at all these aspects will give us the opportunity to come up with strategies to plan-proof our environment before we find ourselves there!  Meet with us this week and let’s try to get through one of the toughest environments; the Holidays, in a way that we can be proud of while remaining in line with our goals.

   Log into your eTools account by going to and entering your user name and password.  Hover the cursor over “My Tools” at the bottom of the list you will see Spaces and Routines.  Click on this option!
Spaces are all about getting action plans that help you manage your environment to make staying on track easier for you.  Routines are simple, daily tasks for you to try – you will be amazed at what an impact they have on your life.

What’s Happening…

This month we are looking at how we can PLAN TO SUCCEED.  How come we leave our meetings ramped up and ready for a successful week then mid-way through just throw in the towel?  Sound familiar?  If so join us as we strive together to develop a plan for overcoming those “bad days” that throw us off the wagon!

·         In Geneva = Nov. 4,  9:00 am – 10:00 am
·         In N. Aurora = Nov. 14, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm


  • Sunday, Nov. 1 at 2:00 pm 
Ever wanted to participate in a 5k?  If so grab the dog, grand-kids, neighbors or friends and let’s walk (or run) together!  This is a low key event that will allow us to get to know one another better, push our limits and enjoy the fleeting days of warm weather!  We will meet at the Geneva Center and walk through the neighborhood.  You can choose to turn around at the 1 mile marker (2 miles total) or do the complete loop for 3.2 miles (5k) ending up back at the center to receive some BLING for your WW Charm Holder and grab a bottle of water.  This is a FREE event just for the FUN of it!  Join us as we FIT IN FITNESS! 
By the way feel free to bring any leftover Halloween Candy.  We will be donating it to the troops!    

Quote of the Week:
~ Carla ~
Weight Watcher Trainer
She shared this at a training I attended this past week!

What goes on between your ears,
Will surely show up
on your REAR!

Makes you see the power of our thoughts doesn’t it?   
This newsletter is and the views shared are n

1 comment:

  1. You are a beautiful example of the yin and yang of living a healthy life while balancing the very attractive "fun" life of food indulgence and excess. I struggled for 2 years and still feel that pull to the indulgence side often. It's a fine line to walk, swim, or crawl. I found that focusing altogether on something different for me for a YEAR finally helped me to want to eat better, too. I swam for a year and only focused on getting better at that. For what it's worth..... :) You are a very inspirational leader. If my kids did not have religious education in a completely opposite direction at the same time, I'd be there with you!
