Wednesday, April 29, 2015

This is My Story...Beyond the Scale & Real Life Too!

I have the most wonderful friend and co-worker, Jen (whom I like to refer to as the Jen with 1 N) that gave up her afternoon to come show me the editing ropes to blogging.  THANK YOU JEN!!

I am still playing as you will see over the next few weeks.  I thought I'd change up the background a little this time.  Do you get it?  We're looking through the binocular thingy's past the scale. wink wink
Oh well maybe next week I'll try a picture of a big juicy hamburger to get your attention! LOL!

Besides the newsletter/blog my goal for the week was to reach 10k steps 4 times this week and to actually look at a calendar to see how far away the 5k run with my daughter is.  40 Stinkin Days! That's it!  The gray spring we have been having has made me procrastinate, thinking June was a ways off.  It's not.  So, I am more determined then ever to train, train, train.  All the while still taking the stupid exercise class with my sister.  I figure at this rate I will be in top form and WILL be able to RUN with my daughter - the entire race.  I may not be fast but my goal is to not walk.  Then I will put a cute little sticker on my car that says 3.1 to show that I have actually run that far.  I imagine there will be eye rolling from passing cars but that's ok.  I used to want a sticker that read 0.0  I'm making progress!
It's ok for goals to change

As great as all this sounds I have to ACTUALLY do the a fore mentioned plan.  Tuesday I was so tired that I actually went to bed with 9600 steps and was too lazy to walk the house to get in those final 400.  With a full meeting schedule the next few days, waiting for the cable guy, getting the kids to & from games/practices this can't be a "I'll do it tomorrow" kinda week.  So today I dressed in my work out clothes (husband's t shirt & gym shoes) so I was ready, if even a short window of time opened.  I really wanted to sit on the couch and enjoy my new cable and learn the new remote but I got up and went when a half hour of time opened up. Why? How?  I'm not really sure yet.  But all the while my C25K app was guiding me on how long to walk and then jog; I kept telling myself "it's only a few more feet to the next fire hydrant, I can do anything for 60 seconds" so I did.  And tomorrow I'll figure it out again too.

Last Week: Turn Your “Why” into “How”

We can all answer the question, “Why did I join Weight Watchers?”  But the most compelling “why” in the world won’t get you to goal unless you take action! We had a great discussion in our meeting last week. How did it affect your choices this past week? Was it easy to put to action or hard?  Was it worth it?  If your PLAN didn't happen, can you figure out why not?  What got in the way?  The point of last week was to learn & succeed & get you asking “how I’m getting to goal”?

This Week: Explore in Your Kitchen

Staying on plan does not have to mean having the same old boring meals over and over again. This week is about reinventing foods, recipes, and even stowed away kitchen tools that just might end up being your secret weapon to enjoying Springtime meals on plan. If you have are recipe that just screams ‘SPRING’ for you, please don’t hesitate to share it with us! Bring a recipe into the meeting or a kitchen gadget that you love!

What’s Happening!

Featured Tool

One Pot Meals Cookbook With over 160 fast, fresh, no-fuss recipes, this cookbook has perfect solutions for your busiest days.


Featured Online Tool

24/7 Chat  Have a simple question like how to figure the PointsPlus Values of the new recipe you’re trying for dinner? Use the 24/7 Chat feature and get the answer straight from a Weight Watchers Expert Coach. (Bonus! They’ll not only answer your simple questions, but will help you figure out how to make the plan work in your life, too.) Find them on the homepage of your Online Tools and the 24/7 icon at the bottom of your screen on the Mobile App.

Let’s Clap the Hands!

Share your celebrations, from the scale and those NSV too!

Quote for the Week:

“Unexplored paths lead to undiscovered treasures.”

 – Constance Chuks Friday


  1. I sure appreciate your commitment to the members, going beyond what any leader has done for her members with your Facebook page and now a blog. Just like the WW plan, you're learning new tools to succeed. Thanks for sharing your life with us.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! I love what I do but that still doesn't make it easy!
