Monday, August 29, 2016


It has been a long time since I have written.  When I look back I am able to clearly see when that time stopped and what got in the way. However, my mistake was thinking that just because I was thrown a curve ball that I should give up.

Isn't that what we talk about with WW?  When something gets in the way it does not mean we failed. We just need to assess the situation and make a new game plan!  Below you can see my thought process or use it to fill in your own blank with what is happening in your life!

1.  What do I WANT to happen?  write my blog this week
2.  What needs to happen for me to do that?  I am going to have to schedule it in.  Probably on Monday after my coaching sessions.
3.  What could get in the way?  I usually grocery shop then. But, I will try shopping with the kids after school instead.
4.   CAN I do that?  Yep,
5.   WILL I?  I actually am.  I'm not sure I like having to adjust the shopping schedule.  That is another item I want to plan and be more regular with as it increases my chances for success at the scale but this week I will try it and see.  Knowing now that I may not stick with this time in the future.  The trade off is that this week's blog will be short but I will have accomplished writing it!  See, B- material ;) 

See what I did?  Have a reality check with yourself.  If you haven't tracked in weeks it may not be the best plan to decide you can track every little thing that you eat for the next week.  But, can you do a meal?  A full day?  The weekend?  The reality is that we need to stop focusing on the result being "good enough" and realize that there is no perfect Weight Watcher journey.  No way to be A+ material all the time.  Shoot for an average one.  Maybe a C?


This week the Weekly talks about getting in your fluids and how it helps with weight loss.  Are you drinking enough?  Does only water count?  Not sure?  Track it and see!  The tracker is a form of information that allows you to see a bigger picture of your story.  If you don't track it you are just guessing.  You think you drink enough?  Maybe I drink enough?  I feel like I do?  These are all forms of guessing.  Watch what happens when you have data/information in front of you:  I drank 6 bottles of water today.  I drank all day long but I only have one empty water bottle so I really only sipped all day long.  How much is enough?  Ugh, I hate water, how will I get it in?  Come to a meeting this week and hear what your fellow members have to say about this!

By the way....These are non-alcoholic fluids that help with weight loss!


SEPT. 7th  In Geneva from 9-10am:  WHY STRUGGLE WEDNESDAY
Feel like you lost your motivation?  Need to re-focus on your plan?  If you are struggling you are not alone!  Join us the first Wednesday of each month in Geneva for a workshop built just for you!

SEPT. 10th in North Aurora from 11:00 - Noon:  APP ACADEMY
Not sure how to use your WW App?  All you do on your app is track?  Join us for a monthly workshop that allows you to learn all the tools that your app provides!  Save favorites, look for a recipe, create a meal, Connect, 24/7 Chat and much more!  Please have your app downloaded prior to the event.  (if you don't know what an app store is or how to download the app please discuss this with your meeting room staff so they can assist you or call customer service at 800-651-6000) Also note there is no wifi in the WW meeting rooms.

SEPT. 17th in North Aurora THE STRUGGLE IS REAL
SEPT. 17th in Dekalb: MEMBER SUCCESS
Both of these events will include member panels for a special opportunity for us to hear from fellow members that have found success on W.W.  These are great meetings for you to bring friends along and prizes will be raffled off at both locations!  Times and more info coming soon!  


Don't forget to share your celebrations or let me take a photo to show you off!  Non-Scale Victories are also encouraged!

                                 QUOTE FOR THE WEEK!