Monday, January 11, 2016


True Confessions of an Imperfect Weight Watcher Leader

January 11, 2016
Number of To Do Lists I have started:   2
Number of piles on my counter that I am ignoring:   5
Happy New Year!  I really believe that 2016 is the year that we SHINE!  
I am really into making resolutions but at the same time I realize that this is a time that I like to reflect on what I did in the previous year and what I want to see happen this year.  Is that a resolution?  Anyway, many of you have been coming back into the meeting room (Yay) and may have heard this but since this blog is kinda my accountability I have to restate it.  You know that I had the habit of gaining 7 pounds over the holidays and how long it could take me to get it off.  This year my goal was to gain only 2.  Bad news:  I gained 3.6.  Good news is:  I know why!  and I don’t feel bad.  Am I a little disappointed?  Sure, at the same time when I re-read my last blog and saw that in order to keep the weight gain at 2 I would need to track on all the non holiday days….  I didn’t do that.  When you kinda do the program it kinda works.  Right?!  So it was no surprise that I didn’t meet my goal.  However, I also know that if I want to get it off in January guess what I have to do?  Yep!  The Program!  

Just like if we look at the above confessions.  Just because I have piles and lists of things that need to be done maybe I need to realize that if I just set a goal but have not taken any action that really that goal is just a nice little dream.  Right now it is a dream of an organized life.  One with no piles and lots of things crossed off the list.  A home with clean counters.  Let’s not stop there.  Keep pushing Jenn, you are almost to the root of it.

“Why do I want clean counters with no piles?”  I want to feel in CONTROL again.  DING DING DING!  WINNER!  

Facing my why gives me the motivation needed to take action!  If I really look at the mess like a failure - look at all I need to do but still haven’t, then sure I have just told myself that there is no way I am good enough to tackle those things.  I might as well eat a cookie and ignore the piles.  I’m no good anyway.  Have you entered the weight loss process with little to no belief that you will succeed?  So much so that it becomes very difficult to even try?  OR we can tell that negative voice in our heads to Shut Up and look at the things that I have done.  And which CAN I do today?  

Here are a few steps that will help you conquer those thoughts:
  1. Never see anything as a failure but instead see it as a step towards your ultimate success.
  2. Say it out loud.  When you find yourself thinking those negative thoughts practice saying them out loud.  Listen to yourself.  Would you ever say those things to your child, grandchild, the 10 year old version of yourself?  Probably not. So why would you allow yourself to be so harsh to yourself?  Now try speaking positive.  You will begin to feel the momentum of your positive intentions which can propel you towards conquering that voice!
  3. Take Action!  Your inaction can allow you to be overcome with negativity.  Don’t sit by  while those thoughts fill your mind.  DO something to chase it away!
  4. Flex your No Muscle.  Practice saying no.  Sometimes that negative voice is disguised like positivity.  For example, “It’s ok to have that.  It's ok to skip the gym, you can go tomorrow.”  Say No!  Maybe even practice in the mirror so that when you are faced with a real challenge you are in control and more comfortable saying “No I don’t want bread or No thank you I am not hungry now”
  5. Take a compliment.  Without saying but…!  You look like you have lost weight! “Thank you BUT I still have a long way to go.  WRONG!  Just say Thank You!
  6. Be Grateful.  What are you thankful for?  It may be the fact that the sun in out, that I have a roof over my head or the fact that I am able to cross “Write Blog” off one of my To - Do lists.  Either way making a list of all things that we have in our life will help us to see what we are more than enough!  

Checking In:
Tracking - Were you able to track one full day yet?
What did you learn on that day?  If tracking is a challenge for you , what got in the way?  Remember tracking is done in a variety of ways. If one doesn’t work for you don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater just try something different!  Do you have the app downloaded?  Many members love the bar code scanner.  No thinking necessary just hold the scanner over the barcode and it will automatically show you the SmartPoints value.  Now you are back in control! Knowing the points helps you make decisions for what is worth it the rest of the day! Note any questions you may have and bring them up in the meeting room, on 24/7 or during your coaching session.  Remember we have your back and are here to help!

What’s Happening…
Upcoming Workshops:

January 13 at 5pm in Geneva location
January 16 at 1:00pm in Geneva
January 23 at 11:00 in North Aurora

Are you finding it hard to adapt to the new plan?  Is change getting in the way of your success?  If so join me as we Adapt to Beyond the Scale!
January 30 at noon at the South Elgin location

Recipe: Korean Chicken


This was sooo good!  My family loved it.  I did make a little change due to the fact that it was so cold today.  I didn’t want to go out and use the grill so I used a grill pan to sear the chicken and then threw it all in the crockpot. Didn’t marinate in a zip lock just made the sauce in the slow cooker then added in the chicken. Super moist and easy.  I served it over rice and made some veggies.  Find this recipe on Search Korean Grilled Chicken Breast.

Servings:  4 (using 4 oz. chicken breasts)
SmartPoints: 3

Quote of the Week:
by:  Steve Maraboli

This newsletter & the views shared are not affiliated with weight watchers international, inc.  It is meant to be a motivational tool.  
 Email me:     Facebook: Beyond the Scale with Jenn