Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Yikes the scale is trying to control my daughter!
All week as I facilitated meetings on not letting the scale have too much power – I was dealing with its control at home.  I have three children that play Pop Warner Football.  One is my 11 year old daughter, Talia.  She played last year for the first time after watching her brothers play previous years.  One afternoon she walked up to the head coach and asked “Can girls play?”  That was it.  Much to my chagrin she joined the team.  Playing defensive linebacker.  She struggled not knowing the game too well but held her own against and with all boys.  Due to her age we thought that would be it.  We knew that this year she would be moved to a team with middle school aged boys and that she would be much to small to handle a hit by a kid 40 pounds heavier.  Instead we learned that she COULD play with 9 & 10 year olds as a “lighter weight older kid.”  This news thrilled her!  Then we heard the weight restriction.  95 pounds.  Guess what Talia weighs? Yep 95#.  All through the month of August we knew that in order for her to play she would need to attend a league weigh in on August 22.  On that day in order to play she would not be allowed to weigh any more then 95.  Not even 95.2.  As her parents we let her know that was the rule put in place for the protection of the smaller players, and let her know that there was a really big chance that she may have to hang up her cleats.
Let me explain that Talia has no body fat.  She is a long, lean athlete that doesn’t care if her clothes match let alone what she weighs.  But loves the game and really wants to play.  When I would start a sentence with “if you don’t play football this season…” she’d stick her fingers in her ears and sing LALALALA!  Her dad coaches one of our sons and has encouraged all of his players to eat healthier especially this month & has also suggested exercise above and beyond practice.  Then there’s me.  Weight Watcher, reformed scale addict, and mother with goals of raising my girls to love their bodies no matter its shape.  How do I support her desires to play yet not be weight focused?  Last week as we led up to weigh in day it seemed like ice cream was around every corner.  What was I supposed to do?  Say no, you’re weighing in soon?  Say yes, and risk her weighing “too much.” I don’t think I need to tell you that this was especially stressful. 
How would you have handled it if you were in my shoes?  Nix that; How DO you handle it?  Really, this is each of us, every week before we face the scale.  Are you depriving yourself or do you indulge? 

The scale and the tracker are nothing more than tools.  Practice seeing them this way and I bet that they pave the way towards new successes!  (by the way – she weighed in at 94.6 J we have a girl on the team!) 


This week we wrap up our Get Happy! Summer Challenge and you receive your charms!  At the beginning of June you started working towards reaching this goal.  What are you feeling as the challenge comes to an end?  Now where will you set your focus?  Our goals change as we progress.  Hopefully our meetings this month are inspiring you to look not just at reaching your goal, but what you’ll become as you work BEYOND your goals.


Last Week:     A SLIP NOT A SLIDE

It’s a universal truth: weight gains happen.  Sometimes we know exactly what happened to cause the scale to go up.  Other times we stand there bewildered.  And that’s okay!  There are a million and one reasons why we experience weight gains and losses on our journey.  And there are just as many ways to handle slip-ups when they do happen.  Slips are going to happen and YOU hold the power to keep it from becoming a slide! 


Just because “life happens” we don’t have to let go of the goals we want to achieve.  This week we look inside ourselves to recognize that we already possess the character and strength we need to accomplish our goals.  

A character strength is the essence of how a person thinks, feels and behaves.

What traits do you have that you can harness to help you reach your goals?  How can you exercise your character to make it more powerful?  No activity points earned for this!  This meeting is bound to be a game changer – don’t miss it!


What’s Happening This Week!
FOOD SCALE:  $29.95
PEDOMETER:  $14.95

The first Wednesday of every month in Geneva. 
·         September 2 ~ 9:00 -10:00 am

Get a tour and learn what items in the store are plan friendly for W.W.  You may even get to taste a few!  Come check it out!  If interested sign up on the clip board in the meeting room. 
·         September 9 ~ 9:30 am or 1:00 pm

Let’s Clap the Big Hands!
Celebrate the Scale & those Non Scale Victories too!

LORRAINE from N. AURORA Saturday Meeting! Lorraine was struggling!  As a long term weight watcher she had yo-yoed off and on for months and thought about just giving up.  She shared that she had little support at home and wasn’t sure if she could ever be successful.  Then on April 18 she made a decision.  She was starting over!  No more comparing this journey to past pounds lost.  On that day in April she started over with a new weight record.  We wiped her past clean and gave herself a new 5 & 10% goal.  This was the kick start she needed!  This new fresh start has rejuvenated her story and this past week Lorraine earned her 25# charm! 

Woot Woot!  We are so proud of you! BRAVO!

(if you’d like to share your success, post under comments or let me know you’d like to be added in the blog)

Quote of the Week:
by Helen Keller

This newsletter is and the views shared are not affiliated with weight watchers international, inc.  It is meant to be a motivational tool.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Vacations Over - Back to Life, Already?
Here we go.  I can’t even believe that summer is pretty much done.  We just got back from vacation and BAM - reality.  No easing in – just BAM!  As soon as we got home it was right back to craziness.  Our oldest had volleyball tryouts for her high school the day we arrived home, 3 of the kids had football practice that night, my little one with the broken leg had a doctors apt and did I forget to mention that I wasn’t done school supply shopping?  And today 5 of the 6 started school.  Almost without blinking summer has faded into the background and here we go again.
With or without kids I am sure some of you still relate.  We escape for a little while but can’t truly run from our realities.  It was fun, relaxing, and restful.  A much needed break while it lasted.  We began our summer just a few short months ago with lofty goals of healthy eating and exercise filled days.  Visions of us strolling the farmers markets picking up fresh fruits and veggies to plan a healthy meal.  Am I right?  We thought summer was our time to shine! 
Instead we forgot about all the parties, picnics, humid days and mosquito filled nights that kept us from achieving those goals.   Now what?  Did you give up?  Did you stop attending meetings once you gained a few pounds over a party filled weekend? If so, that’s not the end.  Just pick yourself up and place one foot in front of the other.  What is the next thing I can focus on?  Am I happy where I am?  If the answer is no, then what is it that you want? 
For me the end of vacation also means I stop eating and drinking like I am on vacation.  I can’t stop eating and drinking like I am lounging on a boat or sitting on the dock of a gorgeous lake.  J   I want to!  But then I will gain all my weight back, get mad at myself for doing that, eat some more because I am so disappointed and on and on and on. 
So Today, instead of thinking of all the things I KNOW I should be doing it was about choosing ONE thing that I can focus on this week.  For me it was tracking all those B.L.T’s (bites, licks and tastes) Not easy to do on the first day of school, while still unpacking and cleaning the house.  I would have rather grazed all day then take time to sit and eat a meal. I am busy, remember?  But I knew that for me that would mean not really counting some of my snacks.  They would just be a quick handful here or there.  Those don’t really count, do they?  After my eye opening 11 points of munching today I am going to guess that this may result in some success at the scale after all (if I can continue all week) but I have already decided that this week’s goal isn’t about losing what I gained on vacation.  For me it is about resuming the habits that helped get me to goal in the first place.  How `bout you?  What worked when you were successful on WW?  What is one thing that you need to bring with you as we transition from summer to fall? 
I’d love to hear from you!  Don’t let a summer of slip ups turn into a fall of not caring.  And a winter of gains.  We can do this – with the help of one another.  


August brings us to the end of summer and we begin to look forward.  You hear it said all the time, “It’s not a diet it’s a lifestyle change” August is centered on how Weight Watchers is impacting your ongoing sustainment of a healthier life.  You don’t want to miss a meeting!


Last Week:     HUNGER GAMES

It’s not always easy to decipher our hunger signals.  Is that hunger because we are actually hungry or is it because we just had a stressful situation?  We know emotional eating isn’t helping us lose weight, but that doesn’t stop us from reaching for food to soothe.  In our meeting we discussed techniques to combat eating our feelings.  Which worked for you?  Did they impact your choices?  Write down how this affected your emotions and your eating and bring it your meeting this week.


If only weight loss could be a nice, straight, downward line on a graph…instead of the line that resembles something closer to a ‘connect the dots’ picture gone wrong!  How do you deal with a gain?  Does a slip become something bigger?  This week we’re focused on resetting our expectations.  Let’s try shifting our thinking and do more than just reach a number on the scale.  If you find yourself on a sliding slope, join us and hear what others have done in similar situations!  If you’ve “been there done that” join us and share your thoughts. 

What’s Happening This Week!
Only 2 more weeks left and you will have completed the Get Happy Challenge!  Are you happier? #WWGETHAPPY

FOOD SCALE:  $29.95
PEDOMETER:  $14.95
BUY 2 SMOOTHIES GET A FREE SHAKER (while supplies last)


Want to tour your Batavia Trader Joe’s Store?  Come get a tour and learn what options are plan friendly for W.W.  You may even get to taste a few!  Come check it out!  If interested sign up on the clip board in the meeting room. 
·         September 9 ~ 9:30 am or  1:00 pm


What will you serve with this tasty Sandwich?

Points Plus Values:  4
Prep Time:  5 minutes
Servings: 1

·        1 light English Muffin toasted
·        ½ small fresh tomato cut into 3 thick slices
·        ¼ cup spinach
·        2 TBSP low fat shredded cheddar cheese
·        1 slice of reduced fat cooked crisp bacon (break & crumble)

1.      Top half of muffin with tomato, spinach, cheese and bacon.
  1. Broil until cheese melts and top with other muffin half

Let’s Clap the Big Hands!
Celebrate the Scale & those Non Scale Victories too!
JULIE from N. AURORA Saturday Meeting! 

Julie brought her bike to Mackinac Island last week in hopes of riding it while touring the island while on vacation.  A friend challenged her to bike the entire 8.1 mile perimeter, which sounded a little daunting but she went for it anyway!  Not only did she ride across the island once – She did it TWICE!  What a Rock Star! 

Congratulate her on not letting fear get in the way of her success!  What goal do you have that you have been afraid to try?  Talk to Julie this week and hear how she overcame those obstacles!  We’re super proud of you Julie – BRAVO!

(if you’d like to share your success, post under comments or let me know you’d like to be added in the blog)

Quote of the Week:

This newsletter is and the views shared are not affiliated with weight watchers international, inc.  It is meant to be a motivational tool.